The Golden Age is a fantastical travelogue in which a modern-day Gulliver writes a book about a civilization he once encountered on a tiny island in the Atlantic. The islanders seem at first to do nothing but sit and observe the world, and indeed draw no distinction between reality and representatio[...]
En snöig kväll hittar en man i ett antikvariat en bok skriven med en okänd skrift. När han öppnar den slås portarna upp till en parallell värld, ett Prag som är osynligt för vardagliga betraktare. Han dras obevekligen in i en virvel av mörka och gåtfulla händelser i En annan stad.
In this strange and lovely hymn to Prague, Michal Ajvaz repopulates the city of Kafka with ghosts, eccentrics, talking animals, and impossible statues, all lurking on the peripheries of a town so familiar to tourists. The Other City is a guidebook to this invisible, "other Prague," overlapping the w[...]