We ve all pledged, promised and bullied ourselves to eat better and exercise more, but so many times even the best intentions fall short. I incorporate healthy habits into my work and home life and you can too. Dr. Mike Moreno
If you need to shed pounds fast and in a safe, effective, and lasting[...]
The 17 Day Diet offers a lifetime plan for shedding pounds fast in a safe and lasting way. With a diverse list of foods recommended in every phase, "New York Times "bestselling author Dr. Mike Moreno offers a delicious and effective way to get healthy. The program is structured around four 17 day cy[...]
The instant bestseller "The 17 Day Diet "offers an easy-to-follow dieting plan that can help change your eating habits, your health, and your life. Now "The 17 Day Diet Workbook "offers an even more guided dieting experience for readers who want a little extra structure. Complete with a brief overvi[...]
A revolutionary weight-loss programme written by a medical doctor that has been a self-publishing success and has made a big splash on American TV[...]
The 17 Day Diet offers readers a plan that will help them change their eating habits, their health and their life. Now, The 17 Day Diet Workbook provides a more structured dieting experience for readers who want extra guidance and direction. The workbook will open with a brief overview of the 17 Day[...]
Now available in Spanish, the #1" New York Times" bestselling phenomenon "The 17 Day Diet" is an incredible weight loss plan designed to fit into any diet's habits.
Si necesitas perder peso rapido y de manera segura, eficaz y duradera, este es el libro para ti "La Dieta de 17 Dias "del Dr. Mike[...]
Every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute that you are alive, you are getting older. No matter how old you are, your body is undergoing age-related changes that can lead to less energy, painful joints, droopy skin, unsightly wrinkles, and overall declining health. But what if some[...]
Cada ano, cada mes, cada dia, cada hora, cada minuto que estas vivo, estas envejeciendo. No importa la edad que tengas, tu cuerpo esta pasando por cambios que tienen que ver con el envejecimiento y que pueden llevarte a sentir menos energia, dolor en las articulaciones, tener piel flacida, arrug[...]
The New 17 Day Diet Breakthrough is a complete revision of Dr Mike Moreno's bestselling The 17 Day Diet, incorporating state-of-the-art research and techniques to help dieters lose weight faster and in the places they want. Adding three brand new chapters, new strategies, and more recipes, Dr Moreno[...]
Since Dr. Mike Moreno first published "The 17 Day Diet "in 2010, millions of people have lost weight using his fast, safe, and extremely effective plan. Dr. Mike listens to his 17 Day Dieters as carefully as he listens to his own patients, and he is [...]
Doktorns råd för snabb viktnedgång som varar
På ett enkelt och lättfattligt sätt visar Mike Moreno hur du kan ta kontrollen över dina matvanor och gå ner i vikt på ett hälsosamt och effektivt sätt, vare sig du vill gå ner 5 eller 50 kg. Här handlar det inte om att svälta s[...]
Tohtori Morenon vallankumouksellinen dieetti - myyntimenestys besteller-listojen kärjestä - tarjoaa terveellisiin elämäntapoihin pohjaavan yksinkertaisen laihdutusohjelman. Se rakentuu neljään 17 päivän mittaiseen jaksoon:- NOPEUTA: elimistön sokeri- ja rasvavarasto pienenee- AKTIVOI: vähÃ[...]