Miriam David - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Miriam David
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  1. Get Real About Sex (Pocket)


    Pam Alldred, Miriam David

    ISBN: 9780335214105 - UTGIVEN: 2007-08-01

    Focusing on young people's identities in the classroom, this book employs contemporary theoretical approaches to explore how gender is enacted and experienced by individuals, and how social pressures and government agendas operate at the level of the individual.[...]

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    från 249.00 kr
  2. Closing the Gender Gap (Inbunden)


    Madeleine Arnot, Miriam David, Gaby Weiner

    ISBN: 9780745618838 - UTGIVEN: 1999-09

    Undergraduate and postgraduate students in education, sociology and gender studies, as well as the general reader with an interest in education or gender.[...]

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    från 582.00 kr
  3. Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists (Inbunden)


    Miriam Leah Zelditch, Donald L. Swiderski, H. David Sheets

    ISBN: 9780123869036 - UTGIVEN: 201208

    The first edition of "Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists" has been the primary resource for teaching modern geometric methods of shape analysis to biologists who have a stronger background in biology than in multivariate statistics and matrix algebra. These geometric methods are appealing to bio[...]

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    från 732.00 kr
  4. Geometric Morphometrics For Biologists (Inbunden)


    Miriam Leah Zelditch, Donald Swiderski, David H. Sheets, William Fink

    ISBN: 9780127784601 - UTGIVEN: 2004-05-10

    Offers a course on geometric morphometrics, covering both theory of shape analysis and methods of multivariate analysis. This book takes the students from the process of data collection through basic and advanced statistical analyses. It offers an introduction to sophisticated methods of biological [...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  5. The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: from Jihad to Dhimmitude (Pocket)


    Bat Yeoor, Miriam (TRN) Kochan, David (TRN) Littman

    ISBN: 9781611471366 - UTGIVEN: 1996-09

    In this study, Bat Ye'or gives an analysis of the dogma and strategies of jihad, offering a vast panorama of the history of the Jews and Christians under the rule of Islam. A pioneer in a virgin field of research for which she has coined the term "dhimmitude," the author has included a documentary s[...]

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    från 687.00 kr
  6. Degrees of Choice (Pocket)


    Diane Reay, Miriam E. David, Stephen J. Ball

    ISBN: 9781858563305 - UTGIVEN: 200507

    Degrees of Choice provides a sophisticated account of the overlapping effects of social class, ethnicity and gender in the process of choosing which university to attend. The shift from an elite to a mass system has been accompanied by much political rhetoric about widening access, achievement-for-a[...]

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    från 375.00 kr
  7. Det grymma svärdet 11-12 (Tidskrift)


    Kristin Eklund, Pontus Lundkvist, Sabina Ostermark, Johannes Nilsson, Miriam Kaukosalo, David Liljemark, Edvin Lindström, Lotta Ekström

    ISBN: 9789197821896 - UTGIVEN: 201210

    "Typläsaren för Det grymma svärdet är någon med vaga AFA-sympatier som bor i tredje hand i en garderob i ett kollektiv med rivningskontrakt. Efter att ha läst halva numret går jag ut och köper nya Vanity Fair.

    Samtidigt växer en sorts motvillig fascination fram, och den är fakti[...]

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    från 29.00 kr