Successful Dissertation Writing guides studentsthrough the involvedprocess of writing an academic dissertation, developingtheir ability to communicate ideas and research fluently and successfully. From conducting research, working with a supervisor, understanding and avoiding plagiarism, right throu[...]
What is good academic writing? How should I present my written work? How can I improve my written work? Academic writing can be a daunting prospect for new undergraduates and postgraduates alike, regardless of whether they are home or overseas students. This accessible book provides them/students wi[...]
English language and linguistics shares many of its writing conventions with those of other disciplines, but there are certain features and expectations that distinguish it as a subject. This book is written specifically to help undergraduate students of English language and linguistics develop the [...]
This book, a guide and companion to the prehistoric archaeology of Greece, is designed for students, travelers, and all general readers interested in archaeology. Greece has perhaps the longest and richest archaeological record in Europe, and this book reviews what is known of Greece from the earlie[...]
No pain, no gain. This title describes the most memorable moments since the birth of pro football in America. In 1958, sports photographer Neil Leifer took the picture that remains one of his most famous to this day. The day he got the shot - Alan Ameche's game-winning "Sudden Death" touchdown - was[...]