In a tale inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion, dedicated guidance counselor Anne Ehrlich works to help her high school charges through the perils of their college admissions and remembers a past love whose nephew requires her assistance. By the author of Much Ado About Jesse Kaplan. Reader's Guide [...]
To bid or not to bid -- the perennial dilemma in competitive auctions. The easy answer to the question lies in the correct use of the Law of Total Tricks. The LAW has been part of bridge literature since the 1950s, but it was in this book that Larry Cohen brought it to the attention of the majority [...]
Praised as brilliantly revelatory a masterful work of critical journalism ("Kirkus Reviews," starred review), "The Holy or the Broken" is the fascinating account of one of the most-performed rock songs in history Leonard Cohen s heartrending Hallelujah.
How did one obscure song become an interna[...]