In 1998, TASCHEN introduced the world to the masterful art of Touko Laaksonen with The Art of Pleasure. Prior to that, Laaksonen, better known as Tom of Finland, enjoyed an intense cult in the international gay community but was largely unknown to the broader audience. The Art of Pleasure gave Tom w[...]
Modern life is a sea of images. With so much visual data bombarding us--from personal devices to mass media--our brains must rapidly adapt to make sense of it all. Here to guide us is America's premier intellectual provocateur, Camille Paglia.
In these pages, Paglia returns to the subject that m[...]
WIth full-color illustrations throughout
From the best-selling author of "Sexual Personae "and "Break, Blow, Burn" and one of our most acclaimed cultural critics, here is an enthralling journey through Western art's defining moments, from the ancient Egyptian tomb of Queen Nefertari to George Lu[...]
America's most provocative intellectual brings her blazing powers of analysis and appreciation to bear on the great poems of the Western tradition, and on some unexpected discoveries of her own. Combining close reading with a panoramic breadth of learning, Camille Paglia refreshes our understanding [...]
From ancient Egypt through the nineteenth century, Sexual Personae explores the provocative connections between art and pagan ritual; between Emily Dickinson and the Marquis de Sade; between Lord Byron and Elvis Presley. It ultimately challenges the cultural assumptions of both conservatives and tra[...]
A provocative and intelligent new book by the author of the national bestseller Sexual Personae. Camille Paglia has been called everything from "the intellectual pin-up of the '90s" to an academic Rottweiler to "the bravest and most original critic of our day". And she lives up to her various reputa[...]
The bestselling author of Sexual Personae and Sex, Art, and American Culture is back with a fiery new collection of essays on everything from art and celebrity to gay activism, Lorena Bobbitt to Bill and Hillary. These essays have never appeared in book form, and many will be appearing in print for [...]
"The Birds" (1963) was the first film Alfred Hitchcock made after "Psycho". Drawn from a Daphne du Maurier story as well as contemporary newspaper reports of bird attacks in California, "The Birds" featured the icy blonde Tippi Hedren in her first starring role. A film about anxiety, sexual power an[...]
I den nye rekken av Cappelens upopulære skrifter kommer SEX OG VOLD, ELLER NATUR OG KUNST av Camille Paglia som bok nummer 36.Hun er blitt kalt en akademisk rottweiler og nittiårenes intellektuelle pinup, et renessansemenneske, en hedensk nonne, og en bitter homse fanget i en lesbisk kvinnes kropp[...]
Den amerikanske kulturprovokatøren, amasonefeministen, kunstteoretikeren og forfatteren Camille Paglia hyller skjønnheten, seksualiteten og forskjellen mellom kjønnene stikk i strid med tradisjonell akademisk feminisme. Hun har provosert, forført og forarget sitt publikum med sine bøker om kuns[...]
"Homosexuella män är civilisationens spjutspets" publicerades ursprungligen i nummer 3 1994 av Vanity Fair-inspirerade magasinet Intrig, vars slogan var "Adjö tristess". I Intrig, som gavs ut av Intellecta, kunde vi möta världsstjärnor som Madonna, Catherine Deneuve eller Federico Fellini och [...]