The dark and bloody ground of the frontier during the years of the American Revolution created much that we associate with the idea of America. Between 1763 and 1795, westerners not only participated in a war of independence but also engaged in a revolution that ushered in fundamental changes in the[...]
Updated Edition, October 2007 "A gripping story. . . . Griffin richly documents the Black Mafia's organization, outreach and over-the-top badness."--"Philadelphia Inquirer""Griffin's reporting on the Black Mafia and its interaction with law enforcement, the Nation of Islam and the Italian mob is fas[...]
Rapid--and seemingly accelerating--changes in the economies of developed nations are having a proportional effect on the skill sets required of workers in many new jobs. Work environments are often technology-heavy, while problems are frequently ill-defined and tackled by multidisciplinary teams. Th[...]