Är du en sådan som ofta tvivlar på din egen förmåga och inte vågar ta de beslut eller göra de saker som du egentligen vill? Låter du ditt dåliga självförtroende styra din vardag och din självkänsla? Då är detta boken för dig!
Genom 10 övningar kan du stärka och återfå det fö[...]
Features units organised clearly into colour spreads. Each unit offers: prior learning points identified at the start so that revision is a continual process; learning objectives identified so it is clear what students need to know; clear explanations covered with examples showing the key techniques[...]
Talks about prior learning points; learning objectives; and explanations covered with examples, showing the key techniques. The units in this book also provide practice with questions pitched at the level suggested in the Framework; and summaries and review questions to help students gain responsibi[...]
Comprises around 80 worksheets that complement the material covered in the "Year 8 Access Students' book". This title helps less-able students write onto diagrams saving time, and helps them keep their work together as a record of achievement.[...]
Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings, Sixth Edition, is the most comprehensive topically organized collection of classical and contemporary philosophy available. The text includes sections on God and evil, knowledge and reality, the philosophy of science, the mind/body pro[...]
Clusters of specialized businesses are being promoted around the world, aided by high-profile examples such as Silicon Valley. Using evidence from high- and low-income economies, as well as detailed case studies that show the special conditions behind successful clusters, this book provides a new v[...]
Efforts to promote the economic development of individual localities engage the attention of academics, students and professionals. Many such analysts argue that competitive advantage can be fostered within local economies, complimenting the advent of a more globalised economy. Intensified efforts t[...]
Helps you get through your exams with ease. In this title, each chapter guides you succinctly through the topic, giving full coverage of the curriculum whilst avoiding unnecessary and often confusing detail.[...]
This is a newly updated version of Samuel Martin's classic "Martin's Concise Dictionary, " the favorite dictionary for students of Japanese for more than 30 years. Includes more than 30,000 entries with all preexisting entries updated to reflect current modern usage.[...]
"Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary," now with 30% more content, is a completely updated dictionary designed for students and business people who are living in Japan and using the Japanese language on a daily basis. Its greatest advantage is that it contains recent idiomatic expressions which have b[...]
It's never a good idea to be overly-relient on technology while traveling Look up words quickly and easily with this great Japanese dictionary.
Intended for use by tourists, students, and business people travelling to Japan "Pocket Japanese Dictionary" is an essential tool for communicating in [...]