How little do you have to do to firm up, lose fat, strengthen bones, improve mood, and boost energy? Renowned New York fitness trainer Pete Cerqua's answer is startling: 15 minutes of exercise a week.
Pete's revolutionary strength-training plan includes only the most efficient exercises, which [...]
This powerful workout program will change the shape of your body in as little as three minutes, with the longest workouts lasting no more than fifteen. Anyone from the incredibly fit to a couch potato can benefit from "High Intensity Fitness", as Pete Cerqua breaks down and simplifies what you do an[...]
Enter "The High Intensity Fitness Revolution for Women". "High Intensity Fitness" is about working out smarter, not longer, using scientific principles and advanced High Intensity workout programs that take only minutes a day. In today's world where most women don't have the time to get to the gym b[...]