Sir Geoffrey Cox described Sidi Rezegh, fought during Operation Crusader in Libya over November and December 1941, as 'the forgotten battle of the Desert War'. The objective of Crusader was to retake Cyrenaica, the eastern region of Libya, and ultimately drive the Italians and Germans out of North A[...]
This book is the story of the extensive travels made by two Peters in search of plants in Turkey, India, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Tibet. On nearly every expedition, they explored territory where no western plant hunters had been since such great explorers as Frank Kingdon Ward, and some of the trail[...]
A vibrant introduction to theatre that engages with stories, conditions and experiences of migration. Arguing that migration is crucially about encounters with foreignness, Emma Cox traces international histories of migration and considers key issues in contemporary performance - from Cape Town and [...]
Absorbers and diffusers are two of the main design tools for altering the acoustic conditions of rooms, semi-enclosed spaces and the outdoor environment. Their correct use is important for delivering high quality acoustics. This book describes how to effectively measure, model, design and apply diff[...]
Biologists searching for a resource that explores all of the exciting changes that have occurred recently in the field will turn to this eighth edition. It offers insight into the multidisciplinary nature of the field, presenting a sound historical base, up-to-date coverage, and a look at the latest[...]
"International cuisine has long conquered our cooking and eating habits. However, regional ingredients and some that were out of fashion for a while are gaining importance again. Accordingly, the range of available domestic and international foods is broad - enriching, but also challenging, as many [...]
Människor har inte bara olika lätt att lära sig utan lär sig också på olika sätt - man har olika lärstilar. På senare år har intresset för hur lärstilar påverkar lärandet ökat kraftigt. Det är viktigt att vara medveten om hur man lär sig för att kunna hålla jämna steg med utveckl[...]