Now available in Spanish, this glittering board book is an ideal Christmas gift for the entire family to share. Follow the shining star as it guides shepherds, kings, and all the animals of the forest to the stable where the Holy Child lies. Full color.[...]
Rainbow Fish must make peace with a big blue whale when a misunderstanding threatens him and his friends in this board-book edition of the third title in the best-selling series. Here is a perfect introduction for children ages one to three to the glittering Rainbow Fish and a simple first lesson in[...]
'The Rainbow Fish', a worldwide bestseller in picture book and giant paperback formats, is here adapted for the youngest readers.[...]
Boasting the same eye-catching holographic foil stamping of the earlier books in the best-selling series, this eagerly awaited new book featuring Rainbow Fish will delight his millions of fans. It?s Rainbow Fish?s most challenging adventure yet, for he must brave the Sea Monsters? Cave, rumored to b[...]
Three bestselling Rainbow Fish titles in board book formats Packaged in a sturdy little suitcase with a handle to take wherever you go. This adorable little box contains board book adaptations of The Rainbow Fish, Rainbow Fish to the Rescue, and Rainbow Fish Discovers the Deep Sea.
"Up/down, in/out, over/under, big/little, long/short... " This glittering board book, filled with colorful images from Rainbow Fish's undersea world, is the perfect introduction for very young children to the concept of opposites. In keeping with the classic picture book story, The Rainbow Fish, the[...]
"One crab, two whales, three sea horses" Rainbow Fish's undersea world is filled with fabulous plants and animals all waiting to be counted, but there's only one glittering Rainbow Fish Simple, bold images, reinforced with numerals in appropriate colors on facing pages, make this appealing board b[...]
Age group 4-7. A beautifully illustrated novelty book with fish scales that really glitter.
Rainbow Fish and his glittering companions are happy with their easy life in the ocean, but when an enormous blue whale takes up residence nearby, the little fish fear for their safety and their food supply. Mistrust quickly turns to active hostility, and Rainbow Fish needs courage and diplomatic sk[...]
Korppiparven viimeisestä munasta kuoriutuu pikkuriikkinen rääpäle. Niin pieni, että niitä mahtuisi kymmenen samaan munaan. Tuosta hassusta otuksestako pitäisi tulla oikea korppi! Noilla höyhenillä ei pitkälle pötkitä, muut korpit tuhahtavat. Ne alkavat kiusata pikku korppia eivätkä huo[...]
Mitä ihmeellistä valkoista taivaalta tupruttaa? Hiljalleen leijailevat hiutaleet ovat jääkylmiä, ja kun ne koskettavat Vilun turkkia tai nenänpäätä, ne katoavat.Pikku koira riehaantuu ensilumesta, ja eksyy leikin tuoksinassa kauas kotoa. Koiranpentu ehtii jo hätääntyä, kunnes se vainuaa[...]
Pikku Sateenkaarikala ei saa unta. Sen mielessä pyörivät pelottavat ajatukset: Mitä jos suuri petokala jahtaa minua tai merivirta tempaisee mukaansa? Entä jos eksyn mustekalan mustepilveen? Tai jos näen pahaa unta? Onneksi emokala juttelee kärsivällisesti pikkuiselleen ja kuuntelee tätä ta[...]