When both of Eddie's parents catch a disease that makes them turn yellow and smell of hot-water bottles, it's agreed that he should go to stay with relatives at Awful End. Sadly for Eddie, those relatives are Mad Uncle Jack and Even-Madder Aunt Maud.[...]
Eddie has been given the task of travelling to America to look after his family's interests there. But his life is never that simple; especially with a potential stowaway in his trunk, and Lady Constance Bustle at his side. She's a professional 'travelling companion', whose previous employers seem t[...]
The creatures in the land of Animalia is over-shadowed by an evil community, the Megatropolis, whose dirty skyscrapers block the horizon. And then one day, Wirral the Squirrel's woodland is destroyed by developers. But Wirral believes in Animalia and he joins with Froggo and Wilhamina to lead the en[...]
Meet Mr and Mrs Grunt. Oh, go on. They're not that bad. No, actually, they ARE. Maybe worse, even. But Sunny, their sort-of son, is okay. They stole him from a washing line as a baby. He was hanging by his ears, which probably explains why they're so wonky (but not why he has sticky-up hair that NEV[...]
Mr Grunt's a man with a mission. He has to get a Person of Great Importance (or POGI) to someone called Mrs Bayliss by the twenty-fifth. Alive and well. And he can't tell anyone more than that, not even his lovely wife, Mrs Grunt, because there will be people trying to snatch the POGI and so the POG[...]
The Green Men of Gressingham return with this sequel, available for the first time as a 4u2read. Full of twists, turns and fiery surprises! The Green Men of Gressingham are struggling to find things to do now that they are no longer outlaws. But just when things are getting boring, Lord Dashwoo[...]
Join author Philip Ardagh, assistant Dotty and harrassed editor Adrian as together they craft the entertaining escapades of young knight-to-be Tom Dashwood and his merry band of outlaws. Well, just as soon as Philip can be convinced to write the manuscript...A story within a story, this rollicking l[...]
The Green Men of Gressingham are medieval outlaws. When a new tax is introduced, they turn to kidnapping! This is a hilarious play on Robin Hood. Barrington Stoke specialise in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers.[...]
The Green Men of Gressingham are medieval outlaws. When a new tax is introduced, they turn to kidnapping! A hilarious play on Robin Hood. Barrington Stoke specialise in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers.[...]
Serie med vackert illustrerade myter och sägner. Ger också en introduktion till den historiska, kulturella och folkliga bakgrunden till den rika skatten av myter och sägner.
Bror Kanin (Nordamerika)[...]
Serie med vackert illustrerade myter och sägner. Ger också en introduktion till den historiska, kulturella och folkliga bakgrunden till den rika skatten av myter och sägner.
Elden och jaguaren (Sydamerika)[...]
Serie med vackert illustrerade myter och sägner. Ger också en introduktion till den historiska, kulturella och folkliga bakgrunden till den rika skatten av myter och sägner.
Gudamordet (Egypten)[...]
Tatu löytää puutarhastaan ison munan, joka osoittautuu kivettyneeksi dinosauruksen munaksi. Se on ikivanha! Viimeiset dinosaurukset kuolivat sukupuuttoon jo 65 miljoonaa vuotta sitten. Tatu tutustuttaa lukijat monenlaisiin dinosauruksiin: nopeisiin, höyhenpeitteisiin, teräväkyntisiin, jättimÃ[...]
Tatun talo täyttyy surisevista, kiemurtelevista, kipittävistä ja karvaisista otuksista, joihin on kutkuttavan hauska tutustua. Ötököitähän on vaikka minkälaisia; useimmat kuuluvat joko hyönteisiin, hämähäkkieläimiin tai tuhatjalkaisiin. Kukin näistä ryhmistä jakautuu vielä lukuisii[...]
Tatu jättää talonsa ja matkustaa avaruuteen saakka.Ensin tutustutaan raketin toimintaan, ja sitten eri planeettoihin ja niiden rakenteeseen. Muistelemme yhdessä Tatun kanssa astronauttien kuumatkaa ja säälimme Plutoa, joka menetti planeetan arvonsa. Aurinko vasta ihmeellinen kapistus onkin! Lu[...]
Tutustumme Tatun kanssa ihmiskehoon, joka on täynnä ihmeitä. Tiesitkö, että elimistösi valmistaa kaksi miljoonaa uutta punasolua joka sekunti? Ja jos verisuonesi voisi levittää yhdeksi pitkäksi nauhaksi, ne yltäisivät kolme kertaa maapallon ympäri. Mutta älä kokeile tätä kotona. Saat[...]