Richard Ellis - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Richard Ellis
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  1. Cliff Richard and the Shadows a Rock & Roll Memoir (Häftad)


    Royston Ellis, Sir Cliff Richard

    ISBN: 9780956683472 - UTGIVEN: 2015-02

    In 1959 teenage poet Royston Ellis teamed up with Cliff Richard s group, the Drifters (later called The Shadows) and appeared with them on television and stage shows performing his unique brand of rocketry (rock n roll poetry). He became closely associated with Cliff, Jet, Tony, Hank & Bruce and wro[...]

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    från 161.00 kr
  2. The Search for the Giant Squid: The Biology and Mythology of the World's Most Elusive Sea Creature (Häftad)


    Richard Ellis

    ISBN: 9780140286762 - UTGIVEN: 199910

    The most mysterious and elusive of all sea creatures, the giant squid--at least sixty feet long and weighing nearly a ton--is also one of the largest. Yet for all its magnificent size and threatening undersea presence, Architeuthis has remained a mystery. Until now. In this marvelous and beautifully[...]

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    från 216.00 kr
  3. Swordfish (Inbunden)


    Richard Ellis

    ISBN: 9780226922904 - UTGIVEN: 201304

    A perfect fish in the evolutionary sense, the broadbill swordfish derives its name from its distinctive bill - much longer and wider than the bill of any other billfish - which is flattened into the sword we all recognize. And though the majesty and allure of this warrior fish has commanded much att[...]

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    från 229.00 kr
  4. Tuna: Love, Death, and Mercury (Häftad)


    Richard Ellis

    ISBN: 9780307387103 - UTGIVEN: 2009-07

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    från 162.00 kr
  5. Imagining Atlantis (Häftad)


    Richard Ellis

    ISBN: 9780375705823 - UTGIVEN: 199908

    Ever since Plato created the legend of the lost island of Atlantis, it has maintained a uniquely strong grip on the human imagination. For two and a half millennia, the story of the city and its catastrophic downfall has inspired people--from Francis Bacon to Jules Verne to Jacques Cousteau--to spec[...]

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    från 114.00 kr
  6. Sea Dragons (Häftad)


    Richard Ellis

    ISBN: 9780700613946 - UTGIVEN: 200504

    A renowned marine naturalist, author, and artist explores--through both word and image--the discoveries, predatory habits, appearance, locomotion, environment, diet, and extinction of the ferocious swimming reptiles that ruled the oceans of the Mesozoic era.[...]

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    från 190.00 kr
  7. The Great Sperm Whale (Inbunden)


    Richard Ellis

    ISBN: 9780700617722 - UTGIVEN: 201105

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    från 377.00 kr
  8. Empty Ocean (Häftad)


    Richard Ellis

    ISBN: 9781559636377 - UTGIVEN: 200408

    In this important new book, acclaimed author and artist Richard Ellis tells the story of our continued plunder of life in the sea and weighs the chances for its recovery. Through fascinating portraits of a wide array of creatures, he introduces us to the many forms of sea life that humans have fishe[...]

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    från 295.00 kr
  9. Learning from Wind Power (Inbunden)


    Joseph (EDT) Szarka, Richard (EDT) Cowell, Geraint (EDT) Ellis

    ISBN: 9780230298743 - UTGIVEN: 2012-07

    Energy has always been important for human societies, but across the world energy issues are now being given unprecedented priority by governments, communities and citizens. The challenges permeate many spheres: technical, economic, social, political, institutional and environmental. Although other [...]

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    från 659.00 kr
  10. Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice (Häftad)


    Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, Richard Mayer

    ISBN: 9780273717409 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05

      Internet Marketing, Strategy, Implementation and Practice (4th edition)  Now in its fourth edition, Internet Marketing provides comprehensive, practical guidance on how companies can get the most out of the web to meet their marketing goals. Edited by Dave Chaffey, one of Europe’s top thinkers[...]

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    från 603.00 kr
  11. Jämför priser
    från 483.00 kr
  12. A Weak Convergence Approach to the Theory of Large Deviations (Inbunden)


    Paul Dupuis, Richard S. Ellis, Paul Dupuis

    ISBN: 9780471076728 - UTGIVEN: 1997-02

    Applies the well-developed tools of the theory of weak convergence of probability measures to large deviation analysis—a consistent new approach The theory of large deviations, one of the most dynamic topics in probability today, studies rare events in stochastic systems. The nonlinear nature of [...]

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    från 1575.00 kr
  13. Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology (Inbunden)


    Lee Ellis, Richard D. Hartley, Anthony Walsh

    ISBN: 9780742564428 - UTGIVEN: 2009-11

    Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology is a core text for criminology and criminal justice research methods courses. It strives to offer a general foundation of knowledge that transcends particular topics or subject areas, allowing students to apply research methods and concepts to a m[...]

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    från 589.00 kr
  14. My People the Sioux (Pocket)


    E. A. Brininstool, E. A. (EDT) Brininstool, Richard N. (INT) Ellis

    ISBN: 9780803293328 - UTGIVEN: 2006-11

    When it was first published in 1928, Luther Standing Bear's autobiographical account of his tribe and tribesmen was hailed by Van Wyck Brooks as "one of the most engaging and veracious we have ever had." It remains a landmark in Indian literature, among the first books about Indians written from the[...]

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    från 217.00 kr
  15. Land of the Spotted Eagle (Pocket)


    Luther Standing Bear, Richard N. (FRW) Ellis, Joseph Marshall

    ISBN: 9780803293335 - UTGIVEN: 2006-11

    When Standing Bear returned to the Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation after sixteen years' absence, his dismay at the condition of his people may well have served as a catalyst for the writing of this book, first published in 1933. In addition to describing the customs, manners, and traditions of the Teto[...]

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    från 186.00 kr
  16. Cultural Theory (Häftad)


    Michael Thompson, Richard J. Ellis, Aaron Wildavsky

    ISBN: 9780813378640 - UTGIVEN: 199007

    Why do people want what they want? Why does one person see the world as a place to control, while another feels controlled by the world? A useful theory of culture, the authors contend, should start with these questions, and the answers, given different historical conditions, should apply equally we[...]

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    från 505.00 kr
  17. Nosferatu: Plague of Terror (Häftad)


    Mark Ellis, Frank Turner, Richard Pace

    ISBN: 9781449531423 - UTGIVEN: 2009-09

    A chilly draft from doomsday... The vile plague of Baron Orlock, The Nosferatu, stretches across history from Dark Ages Europe to modern day Manhattan in this compelling prelude and sequel to the legendary F.W. Murnau film, Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horrors. No vampiric figure is more iconic or terri[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 120.00 kr