Why do some democratic governments succeed and others fail? In a book that has received attention from policymakers and civic activists in America and around the world, Robert Putnam and his collaborators offer empirical evidence for the importance of 'civic community' in developing successful insti[...]
American Grace is a major achievement, a groundbreaking examination of religion in America. Unique among nations, America is deeply religious, religiously diverse, and remarkably tolerant. But in recent decades the nation's religious landscape has been reshaped. America has experienced three seism[...]
Unique among nations, America is deeply religious, religiously diverse, and remarkably tolerant. In recent decades, however, the nation's religious landscape has undergone several seismic shocks. "American Grace "is an authoritative, fascinating examination of what precipitated these changes and the[...]
A groundbreaking examination of the growing inequality gap from the bestselling author of "Bowling Alone" why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility. It's the American dream: get a good education, work hard, buy a house, and achieve prosperity and success. This is the America[...]
Den ensamme bowlaren. Den amerikanska medborgarandans upplösning och förnyelse
Förr bowlade amerikanerna tillsammans, men inte nu längre. Denna till synes obetydliga förändring symboliserar en betydelsefull social förändring. Putnam beskriver ett sönderfallande samhälle, dÃ[...]
Genom det naturliga experiment som Italien gav samhällsforskningen på 1970-talet då nya institutioner infördes vill författaren bidra till vår förståelse av hur demokratiska institutioner fungerar.
Denna titel har tidigare givits ut av SNS förlag men ingår numera i Studentlitter[...]