For undergraduate Management Control Systems courses and other MBA Management Accounting and Control electives. This book represents an innovative new approach to management control systems, based on the latest research and practice. Using a carefully integrated structure, it shows how today's manag[...]
Useful for undergraduate Management Control Systems courses, this book represents an approach to management control systems, based on research and practice. Using an integrated structure, it shows how managers can use both financial and non-financial controls to drive strategies of profitable growth[...]
For undergraduate Management Control Systems courses and other MBA Management Accounting and Control electives. This book represents an innovative new approach to management control systems, based on the latest research and practice. Using a carefully integrated structure, it shows how today's manag[...]
During the second half of the 18th century, the German workshop of Abraham and David Roentgen was among Europe's most successful cabinet making enterprises. The Roentgens' pieces combined innovative designs with intriguing mechanical devices that revolutionized traditional types of European furnitur[...]
Suggests a new approach to business strategy and implementation, tells how to allow responsive but well-controlled change, and includes advice on reducing risk[...]
To stay ahead of the pack, you must translate your organization's competitive strategy into the day-to-day actions carried out in your company. That means channeling resources into the right efforts, achieving the right balance between innovation and control, and getting everyone pulling in the same[...]
For anyone accountable for measuring and managing performance, this book shows how good design can become an organisation's roadmap to success. The design of an organisation - the accountability system that defines roles, rights, and responsibilities throughout the firm - has a direct impact on the [...]
Lesenlernen macht SpaÃ! Das beweist dieser Fibellehrgang mit konsequent analytisch-synthetischer Ausrichtung in Form eines fantasievollen Kinderbuchs seit vielen Jahren. Auch in der Neubearbeitung bleibt die bewährte und von den Kindern geliebt[...]
Drawing from archival records and illustrated with photographs of the individuals who played major roles, this book details the history of the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. It chronicles the events and battles that led facial plastic surgeons to create a certifying boa[...]