This groundbreaking work, with its unique anthropological approach, sheds new light on a central conundrum surrounding AIDS in Africa and in so doing, reframes current debates about the disease. Robert J. Thornton explores why HIV prevalence fell during the 1990s in Uganda despite that country's hav[...]
Labor Economics, 2e, International Edition covers the essential aspects of modern labor economics from an international perspective, providing students with a comprehensive survey of economic theory and empirical evidence on purely competitive labor markets. In addition, the authors examine the impa[...]
Sir Robert Borden was Plenipotentiary of Canada at the Peace Conference. With the Versailles Treaty ratified by the Canadian Parliament, Borden largely believed his work was done. He retired as Prime Minister in 1920. Although Borden died in 1937, the great legacy for Canada that derived from Borden[...]
More than two centuries have passed since the publication of Robert John Thornton's "The Temple of Flora" in 1799, but its charm remains unsullied. In addition to the botanical and cultural historical explanations of the individual plate illustrations, this reprint narrates the history of the origin[...]