40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediatestudents.
40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediatestudents.
Grammar in Practice provides grammar practice in a simple and accessible format. Each book has 40 units of quick grammar exercises with regular test sections to encourage learners to revise what they have learnt. The books are small and easy to carry so learners can choose when and where they want t[...]
40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediate students. Grammar in Practice provides grammar practice in a simple and accessible format. Each book has 40 units of quick grammar exercises with regular test sections to encourage learners to revise what they have [...]
40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediate students.
40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediatestudents.
Cambridge English Skills is a four level skills series for adults and young adult learners.
The Expert series gives adults thorough exam training while continuing to develop their language awareness and offers teachers a comprehensive, flexible resource package- Coursebook, Teacher's Resource Book and Students' Resource Book.[...]
Teaching Practice is an essential reference book for EFL teachers and trainers on pre-service courses. It takes account of current views on training and is consistent with Cambridge ESOL's guidelines for CELTA. Contains basic guidelines and practical information to allow maximum learning from teachi[...]
Advanced Expert thoroughly prepares your adult and young adult students for the CAE while developing their language awareness and communicative skills. Advanced Expert CAE corresponds to level C1 of the Common European Framework.[...]
Advanced Expert thoroughly prepares your adult and young adult students for the CAE while developing their language awareness and communicative skills. Advanced Expert CAE corresponds to level C1 of the Common European Framework.[...]
First Certificate Expert thoroughly prepares your adult and young adult students for the FCE while developing their language awareness and communicative skills. First Certificate Expert corresponds to level B2 of the Common European Framework.[...]
All texts are at a high exam-level so they push your students right from the start, while task analysis activities encourage self-evaluation and give better understanding of key language. Expert really supports your students by giving them step-by-step strategies for speaking and writing.[...]
Zielgruppe: Angehende Lehrer/innen in der Ausbildung, die Grundinformationen zum modernen Englischunterricht suchen; Lehrer/innen nach der Ausbildung oder einer längeren Berufspause, die ihre Unterrichtstechniken auffrischen wollen. Teaching Practice ist ein unverzichtbares Referenzwerk für alle [...]