The act of drawing has long been considered the foundation of an artistic education, and the life class essential to the formation of an artists style and technique. Yet in the contemporary art world drawing is increasingly regarded as a medium in its own right, and the figure as a subject for ongoi[...]
'Curiosity: Art and the Pleasures of Knowing' draws on the work of the eclectic, quarterly magazine Cabinet to explore the notion of intellectual and creative curiosity across periods, genres and fields. Compiled in association with academic, editor and author Brian Dillon, this richly illustrated b[...]
The act of drawing has long been considered the foundation of an artistic education, and the life class essential to the formation of an artist's style and technique. Yet in the contemporary art world drawing is increasingly regarded as a medium in its own right, and the figure as a subject for ongo[...]
This book is published to accompany the first major retrospective in the UK of the visual art of the pioneering American composer and artist John Cage (1912-1992), and is lavishly illustrated with full colour plates of his drawings, watercolours and prints. The use of chance operations, in particul[...]