'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.' Churchill had more reason than most to rue the power of democracy, having been thrown out of office after leading Britain to victory in 1945. Democracy, when viewed from above, has a[...]
Through dazzling illustrations, specially created maps, and compelling photographs, "The Elvis Atlas" locates our greatest musical icon in his world and his times. It gives us a rare glimpse at the landscape in which Elvis lived, recorded, performed, and made movies, and a unique perspective on the [...]
'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.' Churchill had more reason than most to rue the power of democracy, having been thrown out of office after leading Britain to victory in 1945. Democracy, when viewed from above, has a[...]
In late eighteenth-century Britain a handful of men brought about the greatest transformation in human history. Inventors, industrialists and entrepreneurs ushered in the age of powered machinery and the factory, and thereby changed the whole of human society, bringing into being new methods of soci[...]
Ej bibliotekslicens. Talk More
Talk More är den senaste språkinlärningsserien i EuroTalks sortiment för nybörjare. Lär dig ett nytt språk med hjälp av EuroTalks videoklipp av högsta kvalité och den senaste interaktiva tekniken. Idealisk för dig som reser, semestrar, åker på a[...]
In late eighteenth-century Britain a handful of men brought about the greatest transformation in human history. Inventors, industrialists and entrepreneurs ushered in the age of powered machinery and the factory, and thereby changed the whole of human society, bringing into being new methods of soci[...]
Ever since the attacks of September 11, 2001, Western leaders have described a world engaged in "a fight for civilization." But what do we mean by civilization? We believe in a Western tradition of freedom that has produced a fulfilling existence for many millions of people and a culture of enormous[...]
Av folket, för folket är en konkret genomgång och översikt som berättar om demokratins och rösträttens praktik i många delar av världen under olika perioder. Från antikens Aten över det isolerade schweiziska Graubünden, 1600-talets England, massrörelser i Indien, partiväsendets framvä[...]