Have you ever . . . Invested time in something that, in hindsight, just wasn't worth it? Paid too much in an eBay auction? Continued to do something you knew was bad for you? Sold stocks too late, or too early? Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external circumstances? Backed the wrong [...]
We are all guilty of cognitive biases, simple errors we make in day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to identify them, we can avoid them and make better choices. The Art of Thinking Clearly shows that in order to lead happier, more prosperous lives, we don't need extra cunning, [...]
THE SECRETS OF PERFECT DECISION-MAKING Have you ever...Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it? Overpayed in an Ebay auction? Continued doing something you knew was bad for you? Sold stocks too late, or too early? Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external[...]
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER THE TIMES BESTSELLER GUARDIAN BESTSELLER AMAZON TOP TEN BESTSELLER THE SECRETS OF PERFECT DECISION-MAKING Have you ever...Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it? Overpaid in an Ebay auction? Continued doing something you knew was bad for you[...]
In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook summaries [...]
Aivomme ovat kehittyneet nykyiselleen aikana, jolloin ihminen sai ravintonsa metsästämällä ja keräilemällä. Ne eivät sovellu kovin hyvin tämän päivän maailmaan. Siksi sorrumme kaiken aikaa ajatusvirheisiin, jotka voivat olla tuhoisia uramme, toimeentulomme ja onnemme kannalta. Dobelli op[...]
Dobellin edellinen teos Selkeän ajattelun taito oli yksi vuoden 2012 tietokirjamenestyksistä. Tässä jatko-osassa siirrytään ajattelusta toimintaan. Dobellin viesti on pelkistettynä tämä: Älä lähde harhapoluille vain siksi, että muut kulkevat niitä pitkin. Ota mieluummin oppia virheistÃ[...]