Ronald L. Eisenberg - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Ronald L. Eisenberg
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  1. Neuroradiology Signs (Inbunden)


    Mai-lan Ho, Ronald L. Eisenberg, Mai-lan Ho

    ISBN: 9780071804325 - UTGIVEN: 2014-06

    This is a comprehensive, full-color guide to neuroradiology signs across all imaging modalities. The first book of its kind, Neuroradiology Signs provides a multimodality review of more than 440 neuroradiologic signs in CT, MR, angiography, radiography, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine. It is design[...]

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    från 866.00 kr
  2. What the Rabbis Said (Inbunden)


    Ronald L. Eisenberg

    ISBN: 9780313384509 - UTGIVEN: 201008

    "The Talmud" has been a source of study and debate for well over a millennia. "What the Rabbis Said: 250 Topics from the Talmud" brings that discussion out of the yeshiva to describe and clarify the views of the talmudic rabbis for modern readers. Much more than a compilation of isolated rabbinic qu[...]

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    från 478.00 kr
  3. Essential Figures in the Talmud (Inbunden)


    Ronald L. Eisenberg

    ISBN: 9780765709417 - UTGIVEN: 2012-10

    The Talmud chronicles the early development of rabbinic Judaism through the writings and commentaries of the rabbis whose teachings form its foundation. However, this key religious text is expansive, consisting of 63 books containing extensive discussions and interpretations of the Mishnah accumulat[...]

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    från 563.00 kr
  4. Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology (Pocket)


    Ronald L., M.d. Eisenberg, Nancy M. Johnson, Ronald L., M.d. Eisenberg

    ISBN: 9780323078474 - UTGIVEN: 201109

    Covering the disease processes most frequently diagnosed with medical imaging, "Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology, 5th Edition" provides the essential pathology knowledge needed to produce quality radiographic images. It includes a general overview of physiology, and covers disorders and injuries[...]

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    från 661.00 kr