Rosine Perelberg - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Rosine Perelberg
Visar Resultat (1-2)
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  1. Freud: A Modern Reader (Övrig)


    Rosine Perelberg

    ISBN: 9780470713525 - UTGIVEN: 2008-06-30

    Jämför priser
    från 349.00 kr
  2. Psychoanalytic Understanding of Violence and Suicide (Häftad)


    Rosine Jozef Perelberg

    ISBN: 9780415199322 - UTGIVEN: 1998-11

    Although there is a vast literature on aggression, comparatively little has been written on the issue of violence and even fewer clinical discussions have been published on the violent patient. This pioneering book presents a collection of case studies on the intensive psychoanalytic treatment of pa[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 437.00 kr