A story based on the life of the dedicated young Lakota boy who grew up to be one of the bravest defenders of his people[...]
This bestselling and widely used resource on paediatric antimicrobial therapy provides instant access to reliable, up-to-the-minute recommendations for treatment of all infectious diseases in children.[...]
Coyote, the trickster in Native American lore, doesn't care that it's Christmas - he just cares that he's hungry. In order to trick a family out of their Christmas dinner, Coyote dresses up as Father Christmas and offers a sack full of straw for presents in return for a warm meal. Imagine his surpri[...]
In the 20 years that have passed since the publication of the first edition, both Poison Control Centers and Emergency Departments have witnessed an expansion in the number and variety of poisonings caused by toxic plants. At the same time, there is a proliferation in the diversity of plants in our [...]