Few scientific topics since the theory of biological evolution have inspired as much controversy as artificial intelligence has. Even now, fifty years after the term first made its appearance in academic journals, many philosophers and more than a few prominent scientists and software programmers di[...]
"Free as in Freedom" interweaves biographical snapshots of GNU project founder Richard Stallman with the political, social and economic history of the free software movement. It examines Stallman's unique personality and how that personality has been at turns a driving force and a drawback in terms [...]
Kampen mot Tengel den onde hade utvecklat sig till en livsfarlig kapplöpning, där det gällde att komma först till Isfolkets dal. Isfolket hade goda hjälpare, men Tengels skara var otroligt starka och inte minst hänsynslösa. Mitt uppe i denna striden upplevde den olycksfödde Tova sitt livs fÃ[...]
How did prehistoric peoples those living before written records think? Were their modes of thought fundamentally different from ours today? Researchers over the years have certainly believed so. Along with the Aborigines of Australia, the indigenous San people of southern Africa among the last hunte[...]
The Killing of Uncle Sam by Rodney Howard-Browne FL and Paul L. Williams FL: Conversation Starters
Men have done the most unthinkable acts in the name of power, greed and pride. Nations and citizens were sold to the most vicious and corrupt global leaders. Some believe that only small poor nat[...]