Positiivinen psykologia on tuore psykologiatieteen alue, joka keskittyy ihmisten vahvuuksiin heikkouksien sijaan. Tutkimusten perusteella voidaan todeta, että inhimillisen elämän kokeminen onnellisena ei johdu henkilön geeneistä tai hyvästä tuurista. Seligmanin mukaan onnellisuutta voidaan vi[...]
A thorough and up-to-date guide to putting positive psychology into practice From the Foreword: "This volume is the cutting edge of positive psychology and the emblem of its future." -Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D., Fox Leadership Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, and author of Auth[...]
Martin E. P. Seligman, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, is one of the world's leading authorities on learned helplessness and its relation to optimism and hope. This collection brings together eminent psychologists and professionals whose work has been greatly influenced by[...]
The psychological syndrome of learned helplessness is a uniquely modern phenomenon, and has been applied to a variety of human problems such as inappropriate passivity or demoralization. The best-known application of learned helplessness has been an explanation of depression, although numerous other[...]
This groundbreaking handbook of human strengths and virtues is the first progress report from a prestigious group of researchers in the Values in Action Classification Project, which has undertaken a systematic classification and measurement of universal strengths and virtues. This landmark work mak[...]
"Abnormal Psychology" explores the interactions between the psychological and biological influences on human behaviour. This 4th edition contains 1800 new references and highlights important contemporary trends in the field - from the explosion of biological and neuroscience research, to new life-sp[...]
In Authentic Happiness, the bestsellingauthor of Learned Optimism introduces the revolutionary, scientifically based idea of "Positive Psychology." Positive Psychology focuses on strengths rather than weaknesses, asserting that happines is not the result of good genes or luck. Happiness can be culti[...]
Seligman draws on more than 20 years of clinical research to demonstrate how optimism enhances the quality of life, and how anyone can learn to practice its skills.[...]
"This book will help you flourish." With this unprecedented promise, internationally esteemed psychologist Martin Seligman begins "Flourish, "his first book in ten years--and the first to present his dynamic new concept of what well-being really is. Traditionally, the goal of psychology has been to [...]
Without knowing it, most of us impose limits on our achievement and our happiness by approaching life's problems and challenges with unnecessary pessimism. Now, Dr. Martin Seligman, a pioneer in cognitive psychology and motivational research, tells you how to i[...]
Asserts that happiness can be learned and cultivated, and that everyone has the power to inject real joy into their lives. This title describes the strengths and virtues unique to the human psyche. It provides a variety of tests and assessment tools to enable readers to discover and deploy those str[...]
Presents a researched look at human psychological and behavioural characteristics examining what we can change and what we can't. This work includes the natural healing factors for recovering from alcoholism; the vital difference between overeating and being overweight, and why dieters always gain b[...]
From the author of the International Bestseller Authentic Happiness. In this groundbreaking book, one of the world's foremost academic psychologists - and founder of the Positive Psychology movement - offers a new theory on what makes people flourish and how to truly get the most out of life. Flour[...]
Internationalt anerkendt psykolog og ophavsmand til positiv psykologi Martin Seligman har skrevet en ny bog om nødvendigheden af at nytænke begreberne om lykke, positivitet og trivsel. Det er hans første bog i ti år.
Seligmans engagerende argumentation for trivselsteorien er [...]