Praise for the Third Edition of Qualitative Research : "Sharan B. Merriam synthesizes twenty years of developments in qualitative research with clarity and acumen." Michael Quinn Patton, author, Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods "Here is a qualitative research methods book that reinforc[...]
This essential resource is compiled by experts in the field and contains the best, most recent previously published literature on the contemporary issues and includes trends affecting adult education. Compelling to practitioners in the field as well as useful in foundations or introductory courses o[...]
In this updated landmark book, the authors have gathered the seminal work and most current thinking on adult learning into one volume. Learning in Adulthood addresses a wide range of topics including: Who are adult learners? How do adults learn? Why are adults involved in learning activities? How do[...]
Många vetenskapliga discipliner förlitar sig traditionellt på statistisk analys. Då syftet är att få djupgående insikter om komplicerade skeenden eller ny kunskap om förbisedda fenomen har emellertid fallstudien ett stort värde som vetenskaplig metod. Detta beror på att[...]