Offers an insight into the art and craft of Scotch whisky blending. This book reveals how the author rose through the ranks to top of his profession. It also reveals some of the secrets of his craft.[...]
Providing hundreds of detailed tasting notes and an exploration of the story of whiskey told through in-depth distillery entries, "Whiskey Opus" helps seasoned connoisseurs in their quest to discover the world's best whiskies. Every whiskey style from single malt to poteen is represented, along with[...]
Pilsners, blonde ales, India pale ales, lagers, porters, stouts: the varieties and styles of beer are endless. But as diverse as the drink is, its appeal is universal - beer is the most-consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. From pubs and inns to restaurants, bars and microbreweries, beer has m[...]
Deals with the whisky world's lighter and quirkier side.
In this informative and entertaining series of interviews leading whisky writer Gavin D. Smith reveals the workings of the Scotch whisky industry from characters who have lived and worked in the business of making Scotch. Some are nostalgic, harkening back to a former era when the Health & Safety ma[...]
Richard Paterson has Scotch whisky running through his veins. His grandfather and father were both prominent in the Scotch whisky industry in Glasgow for decades before Richard joined a competing whisky brokerage firm to start his apprenticeship. But this is no dry textbook on blending. Far from it.[...]
"Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough." - Mark Twain
Whisky en dryck som förbättras av att vila. Upptäck dess härliga djup, mångfald och komplexitet, och smaka på klassikerna och spännande nya sorter med hjälp[...]
Suuri VISKIkirja on sopiva kumppani tälle matkalle. Niille, jotka ovat vasta lähdössä tutkimusmatkalle, kirjan valaisevassa johdannossa selitetään viskinvalmistuksen perusasiat ja se, miten makuaistiaan harjoittamalla todella oppii ymmärtämään viskin monipuolisia makuja.- Riippumatta siitÃ[...]