An adaptation from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying for those turning to meditation as an opportunity to deepen their spiritual lives--or as a simple way to reduce stress. Sogyal Rinpoche offers specific, down-to-earth advice on starting a meditation practice.[...]
New from the bestselling author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying--365 thought-provoking meditations on life, death, doubt, mindfulness, compassion, wisdom, work, and more[...]
An acclaimed spiritual masterpiece, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is a manual for life and death and a magnificent source of sacred inspiration from the heart of the Tibetan tradition. Sogyal Rinpoche delivers a lucid and inspiring introduction to the practice of meditation, to the nature of [...]
A collection of articles which draw on the author's 25 years of teaching Tibetan Buddhism in the West. He reflects on some of the issues facing Buddhism in the modern world, such as training, adaptation, integration and the support of sangha; and gives advice on how to survive the spiritual path.[...]
Explains the majestic vision of life and death that underlies the Tibetan tradition. This book includes not only an introduction to the practice of meditation but also advice on how to care for the dying with love and compassion, and how to bring them help of a spiritual kind.[...]
Poetisk og indsigtsfuldt værk om døden og livet, skrevet med et tibetansk buddhistisk udgangspunkt, men samtidig med stor forståelse for vestlig kultur og tænkemåde. Døden ses i livets perspektiv og livet i dødens.
Forfatteren er en internationalt kendt buddhistisk m[...]
I detta omfattande och uttömmande verk förenar författaren för första gången den urgamla tibetanska visdomen och den moderna forskningen om döden, döendet och universums natur. Boken gör den mest genomgripande tolkning som någonsin gjorts av en storslagen vision av liv och död. Författar[...]
Maailmankuulu, myös Suomessa vieraillut tiibetiläisen buddhalaisuuden opettaja puhuu elämästä ja kuolemasta. "Elämä ja kuolema ovat yksi kokonaisuus. Kuolema on peili jossa heijastuu elämän tarkoitus.""Maailmankaikkeudessa on vain yksi laki joka ei koskaan muutu... se, että kaikki muuttuu [...]
Fearless Simplicity is about training in the awakened state of mind, the atmosphere within which all difficulties naturally dissolve. Here, the gifted Tibetan meditation master and author of Carefree Dignity, Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche, in his exceptional and skillful teaching style, guides us throug[...]