If you have ADHD, you may find it hard to stay focused on one thing and have trouble with time management and organization. You may also act on impulse-often with negative results. Whether you're in treatment, on medication, or are looking for alternative ways to get your symptoms under control, thi[...]
This updated audiobook contains a practical information on ADD: how to tell if you have ADD, ways to master distraction, ADD's impact on the family, and many tips to overcome ADD every day.[...]
Shame is a common and pervasive feature of the human response to death and other losses, yet this often goes unrecognized due to a reluctance to acknowledge and confront it. This book intends to expose shame for what it is, allowing clinicians to see that it is the central psychological force in the[...]
Making it through three or four years of undergraduate study is a challenge. It's even more so for people with attention deficit disorder, or ADD. Keeping track of schedules and deadlines, concentrating on lessons, and completing tasks are all hard-learned skills for people with this condition. Beca[...]
This new edition of Stephanie Sarkis includes all of the ten steps of the original edition, updated with new medications and therapeutic approaches and revised based on the most current ADD research. Readers also learn new ways to use technology to manage their time, avoid losing items, and responsi[...]