" Alois Dwenger, writing from the front in May of 1942, complained that people forgot "the actions of simple soldiers....I believe that true heroism lies in bearing this dreadful everyday life." In exploring the reality of the Landser, the average German soldier in World War II, through letters, dia[...]
On June 22, 1941, Germany launched the greatest land assault in history on the Soviet Union, an attack that Adolf Hitler deemed crucial to ensure German economic and political survival. As the key theater of the war for the Germans, the eastern front consumed enormous levels of resources and account[...]
Hur blev den tyska armén så effektiv och framgångsrik under den första halvan av andra världskriget?
Delvis berodde det på starka vänskapsband och omutlig lojalitet djupt rotat i det preussiska arvet som soldaterna drillades lika hårt i som ren krigföring. Men det fanns också [...]