Lose weight eating at McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, and Wendy's?
Yes, it's possible--and this book shows you how
""Dr. Steve Sinatra is one of the top preventive cardiologists in America. . . . In The Fast Food Diet, he shows readers how to eat smarter and more nutritiously at any fast food[...]
Ota yhteys maahan ja paraneUlkona jalkojesi alla oleva maa ei ole pelkkää ruohoa, multaa, hiekkaa tai betonia. Se on kaikkialla läsnä olevan luonnollisen parantavan energian lähde. Luettuasi tämän kirjan et milloinkaan suhtaudu maahan samalla tavalla. Me ihmiset, kuten kaikki muut elävät ol[...]
In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Stephen Sinatra reveals why heart disease is the #1 killer of women in America today. Heart Sense for Women shatters the myths that keep this a hidden epidemic and outlines a prescriptive plan for natural prevention and treatment. In this valuable resource, women wil[...]
In this guide, Stephen Sinatra, M.D., reveals how an explosive combination of the nutrients coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine--the twin pillars of healing--can have an exciting, positive impact on the cardiovascular system.[...]
While most books focus solely on the role of cholesterol in heart disease, Reverse Heart Disease Now draws on new research that points to the surprising other causes. Two leading cardiologists draw on their collective fifty years of clinical cardiology research to show you how to combine the benefit[...]
Now "you" can achieve optimum health.
In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Stephen Sinatra shows us how we can take control of our health through the latest findings of mind-body medicine. As a leading cardiologist and psychotherapist, Dr. Sinatra is a uniquely qualified expert in the field. Dr. Sin[...]
This title deals with successfully treating most cardiac conditions.
The solution for chronic inflammation, regarded as the cause of most common modern diseases, has been identified And it's not blueberries. It's something right beneath our feet---the Earth itself[...]
The solution for chronic inflammation, regarded as the cause of most common modern diseases, has been identified And it's not blueberries. It's something right beneath our feet---the Earth itself[...]
Despite 40 years of aggressive pharmaceutical and surgical interventions, coronary artery disease (CAD) remains the number one killer of women and men in Western civilization. When it comes to CAD, prevention is easier than cure, and if CAD does present itself, a combination of conventional and alte[...]
Heart disease is the #1 killer. However, traditional heart disease protocols--with their emphasis on lowering cholesterol--have it wrong. This book reveals the real culprits of heart disease, including inflammation, fibrinogen, triglycerides, homocystine, belly fat, and high glycemic levels. Heart d[...]
Fact: You've been eating all wrong to prevent and reverse heart disease. For decades, low-fat and low-cholesterol diets have been touted as the way to prevent and reverse heart disease. In the groundbreaking book, The Great Cholesterol Myth, Jonny Bowden and Dr. Stephen Sinatra debunked that asserti[...]
Har du elektronbrist? Det har du om du lider av sjukdom, smärta eller inflammation. I denna bok får du lära dig hur naturens ursprungliga inflammationshämmare - nämligen Jorden själv - kan bota din brist och förbättra din hälsa, energi och sömn.
Under dina fötter när du är ut[...]