Trey thought he was the only one. It was a lie. The last hereditary werewolf has found his pack -- and they're vicious, bloodthirsty, and truly wild. Trey has had enough of vampires, demons and sorcerors. He needs to get in touch with his real family -- the ones with fur, fangs and killer instincts.[...]
Beneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad, or isolated part that we generally try to ignore, but which can erupt in hurtful ways. As therapists Connie Zweig and Steve Wolf show in this landmark book, the shadow can actually be a s[...]
(Signature Licks Guitar). Learn the secrets behind the signature sounds of this guitar virtuoso, and then play along with the actual backing tracks from The Ultra Zone mixed and produced by Vai himself In this unique book/CD pack, Wolf Marshall teaches you everything you need to know to play exactl[...]
It's winter in Paradise, a small town in Michigan's Upper Peninsula on the frozen borders of Canada. After ploughing the new snow from his drive every morning, Alex McKnight is content to stay warm in front of the fireplace at the Glasgow Inn with a bottle of his favourite Canadian beer. Once a cat[...]
Steve Hamilton's novels starring ex-cop and sometime-P.I. Alex McKnight have won multiple awards and appeared on bestseller lists nationwide. And when you start reading "Winter of the Wolf Moon, "you will instantly understand why. . .
When a young woman from the Ojibwa tribe asks McKnight for sh[...]
Sequel to Eagle Against the Stars." Action-adventure science fiction stalwart Steve White returns with a rousing tale of adventure and space warfare in the near future.
With Earth recently emerged from alien domination, a space-naval officer uncovers a [...]
(Bass Guitar Series). Complete transcriptions to their debut album, including the songs: The Four Horsemen * Seek And Destroy * Jump In The Fire * and more.[...]