Starts with a detailed description of ICP-MS, including quadruple-based, sector-based and time-of-flight instruments. This work reviews the ICP-MS literature to outline both the strengths and limitations of the technique. It also demonstrates how these limitations can be reduced and/or eliminated by[...]
* An in-depth study of the biggest SAS-led external battle of the Rhodesian bush war Startling in its innovation and daringly suicidal, Operation Dingo was not only the Fireforce concept writ large but the prototype for all the major Rhodesian airborne attacks on the external bases of Rhodesian Afri[...]
Fireforce as a military concept dates from 1974 when the Rhodesian Air Force (RhAF) acquired the French MG151 20mm cannon from the Portuguese. Coupled with this, the traditional counter-insurgency tactics (against Mugabe's ZANLA and Nkomo's ZIPRA) of follow-ups, tracking and ambushing simply weren't[...]