What happens to us when we die? Where do people go? What do they see? What messages do they receive? Why are they allowed to come back? "The Day I Died" brings together ten profoundly moving testimonies from people who have passed through the limits of human endurance and beyond. Around the world, o[...]
Love and lust are among the most powerful of emotions, but when a joint thirst for violence is thrown into the mix, it creates the ultimate lethal cocktail. Killer Couples explores the deadly dynamic that exists within the relationships of men and women whose romantic obsession leads them to commit [...]
Hva skjer når jeg dør? Til alle tider har spørsmålet opptatt mennesker over hele kloden. Noen mener de kjenner svaret - eller i hvert fall deler av svaret. De har hatt nær døden-opplevelser. I denne boken kan du lese deres beretninger. Historiene er mektige, utfordrende og uendelig fascinerend[...]