Simply made decorations for home or school are an absorbing way for children to become involved in the celebration of Advent and Christmas. Parents, teachers and children will quickly learn to make crib figures, candles, lanterns, angels, Advent calendars and a variety of Christmas tree decorations.[...]
The story of Jack Crabbe, raised by both a white man and a Cheyenne chief. As a Cheyenne, Jack ate dog, had four wives and saw his people butchered by General Custer's soldiers. As a white man, he participated in the slaughter of the buffalo and tangled with Wyatt Earp.[...]
Jack Crabb was ill when he dictated his memoirs, "Little Big Man". His supposed death cut short his tale as he finished recounting how he was the last white survivor of Custer's Last Stand. This newly discovered manuscript reveals that he faked his own death to escape his publishing contract.[...]
MÃ¥nga känner till filmen Little Big Man med ÂDustin Hoffman i Âhuvudrollen. FÃ¥ känner till romanen som filmen bygger pÃ¥ fastän den anses vara den främsta skönlitterära skildringen av Vilda Västern. Nu utges boken för första gÃ¥ngen pÃ¥ svenska.
Under namnet Little Big Man vÃ[...]
A general and systematic account of the role of knowledge in society aimed to stimulate both critical discussion and empirical investigations. This book is concerned with the sociology of 'everything that passes for knowledge in society'. It focuses particularly on that 'common-sense knowledge' whic[...]
When do states choose to adopt a penitent stance towards the past? When do they choose to offer apologies for historical misdeeds, offer compensation for their victims and incorporate the darker sides of history into their textbooks, public monuments and museums? When do they choose not to do so? An[...]
Global diversity in the practice of public sector accounting continues to impede the reduction of bureaucracy and the creation of comparable standards in terms of accountability and transparency. The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) continues to engage in the ongoing p[...]
The classic work that redefined the sociology of knowledge and has inspired a generation of philosophers and thinkersIn this seminal book, Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann examine how knowledge forms and how it is preserved and altered within a society. Unlike earlier theorists and philosophers, [...]
Forfatterne forsøker å avklare spenningen mellom subjekt og objekt, mellom vår personlige verden og den ytre verden. Vi skaper verden aktivt gjennom våre handlinger; samtidig gjør vi verden til vår egen, vi godtar den som virkelighet. Deler av denne verden blir en ytre virkelighet, gjerne kalt[...]
Fokusera mer på människans handlande i vardagslivet än på de intellektuella strömningarnas historia i den kunskapssociologiska forskningen, menar författarna till denna klassiker som ursprungligen publicerades 1979 och vänder sig till sociologer, psykologer, pedagoger, filosofe[...]
Todellisuuden sosiaalinen rakentuminen edustaa fenomenologisesti suuntautunutta tiedonsosiologiaa. Se on osoittautunut yhdeksi viime vuosikymmenten vaikutusvaltaisimmista yhteiskuntatieteellisistä teoksista, josta on tullut nopeasti alan kirjallisuuden moderni klassikko.Berger ja Luckmann tarkastel[...]