Beloved TV comedic actor Phil Hartman is best known for his eight brilliant seasons on "Saturday Night Live," where his versatility and comedic timing resulted in some of the funniest and most famous sketches in the television show's history. Besides his hilarious impersonations of Phil Donahue, Fra[...]
Det talas ofta om hur bra vi har det i vÃ¥rt land - men det gäller lÃ¥ngt ifrÃ¥n alla. Anna Sjödin och Thomas Hartman tar oss med pÃ¥ en annorlunda vandring genom Sverige. Vi fÃ¥r träffa Maria som glömmer bort att laga mat och aldrig duschar. Där finns Dagmar som Ã¥ldras ensam och Ã[...]
How often have you been confronted with an image on a thoracic CT exam where you knew it didn't look 'normal', but you weren't sure whether it was 'abnormal' either? And if it is abnormal, is there a specific diagnosis you should be able to make directly off the images? Pearls and Pitfalls in Thorac[...]
PROBLEMEN MED ATT tolka olika religioners religiösa texter har alltmer kommit i centrum av de senare årens debatt. Det gäller såväl den judiska Torah, den kristna Bibeln som Koranen. Hur en text tolkas kan bli en fråga om vilka seder och bruk man får förverkliga, om vilka samlevnadsformer so[...]