As coach of the University of North Carolina women's soccer team, Anson Dorrance has won more than 90 percent of his games, groomed far more All-Americans, and captured more NCAA championships than any other coach in the sport ten times over. Author Tim Crothers spent four years interviewing Dorranc[...]
Your in-depth guide to implementing and optimizing an effective intrusion detection system for your network Here's the in-the-trenches handbook you've been looking for, loaded with information and tips from real case studies that will help you deploy, configure, and monitor an effective intrusion d[...]
Sjakkdronningen fra Katwe er den sanne historien om Phiona Mutesi, en fattig jente fra slummen i Kampala i Uganda. Phiona bor sammen med sin mor og tre søsken i et falleferdig skur. Familien må streve for hvert enkelt måltid, Phiona har nesten ingen skolegang, og hun kan knapt lese og skrive - me[...]