A winner of the Hans Christian Andersen Award for Illustration delivers a timeless story about a brother and a sister whose boat drifts onto a doomed and mysterious island. Illustrations.[...]
Written and illustrated by one of the world's most acclaimed and award-winning children's authors, The Three Robbers is a timeless tale of mystery and suspense for 4-8 year olds, in which three ferocious thieves are defeated by the guileless logic of an innocent girl.[...]
In this gently satiric fable, Ungerer pokes fun at self-important adults who are afraid of anything or anyone unfamiliar, and reminds us that there is indeed no place like home. On its first publication in the US in 1967, at the height of the Space Race, Moon Man won the Book Week prize for books fo[...]
This is an autobiographical tale of a teddy bear named Otto. Otto is a German-born teddy bear. His first memories are of being stitched together and being given to David, a Jewish boy living in Germany before WWII. David and his best-friend Oskar always play with Otto, using him for pranks, games an[...]
Tiring of the hectic pace of seventies New York, acclaimed graphic designer Tomi Ungerer and his wife Yvonne hit the road in search of a new, simpler life on an isolated peninsula in Nova Scotia, Canada[...]
Monsieur Racine wakes up one day to find his precious pear tree looted of all the award-winning fruit. When he discovers that the culprit is funny-looking beast, his anger gives way to curiosity and two become friends. But the beast is not quite what it seems, eventually it comes apart-literally to [...]
Adelaide, the flying kangaroo, leaves her parents to travel the world, ending up in Paris where she creates a happy life for herself. She finds adventure, fame, fortune and a handsome kangaroo called Leon, along the way.[...]
When Mr Mellops discovers a family treasure map he takes his sons on a maritime adventure. Before they know it, the Mellops are dodging a giant octopus, exploring an undersea wreck and digging for treasure. But will the Mellops find treasure of another kind? Reissued in English to inspire and deligh[...]
While on a family picnic Mr Mellops notices the mountain water has an 'awful taste, like oil'. Soon, the intrepid Mellops embark on a quest that takes them to the library, the museum and eventually an oil field! Reissued in English to inspire and delight a new generation of children.[...]
It is the day before Christmas and the four Mellops brothers all have the same idea - to surprise their family with a Christmas tree. By Christmas Eve the hall is full of trees - and tears - and the Mellops must find a way to share the festive cheer. Reissued in English to inspire and delight [...]
If there's one thing Piper Paw hates, it's being kissed by his doting mother, Mrs.Velvet Paw. And one day she does the unforgivable: she kisses Piper in front of his friends! "Kisses, kisses all the time," howls Piper. "I don't like it. I don't want it. Good-morning kisses, licky kisses, soggy kisse[...]
Eight classic picture books by the legendary author, brought together in one lavish slipcased volume This glorious treasury brings together eight iconic tales by Tomi Ungerer, featuring well-known classics (The Three Robbers, Moon Man, Otto), acclaimed recent works (Fog Island), and lost gems (Zeral[...]
Tomi Ungerers Bilderbuch vom Waisenmädchen Tiffany, das in die Hände von drei Räubern fällt, ist ein Kinderbuchklassiker. Seit seinem Erscheinen 1961 hat es sich weit über 500000-mal verkauft und wurde in 18 Sprachen übersetzt.[...]
Der Mondmann langweilt sich. Jede Nacht muß er zusehen, wie die Menschen auf der Erde fröhlich tanzen. "Wenn ich doch nur ein einziges Mal dabeisein könnte", seufzt er. Doch als der Mondmann schließlich die Erde besucht, wird er von mißtrauischen Regierungsbeamten sofort ins Gefäng[...]
Nach dem berühmten Gedicht von Johann Wolfgang Goethe über einen Zauberlehrling, der Geister ruft und sie nicht mehr los wird.[...]
Boken er allerede en klassiker. Den utkom første gang i 1961 og på norsk i 1973. De tre røverne har høye, svarte hatter og svarte kapper. Om natten ligger de på lur langs veien for å røve dem som kommer forbi. Men en natt finner de bare en liten pike i vognen de har stanset. Piken heter Tiffa[...]
Historien om fru Bodot och hennes hjälpsamma boaorm Kriktor är en bilderboksklassiker som har roat generationer av läsare sedan den kom ut på svenska första gången 1959.
En dag fÃ¥r fru Bodot ett konstigt paket av brevbäraren. I paketet ligger världens snällaste boaorm. Han fÃ[...]
Tomi Ungerers De tre rövarna är en riktig bilderboksklassiker som nu kommer i nytryck. Berättelsen om de tre rövarna som tar hand om den föräldralösa flickan Tiffany har roat barn över hela världen och boken är översatt till mer än 20 språk. Boken har också blivit animerad film som fi[...]