Major and Mrs Holt's Battlefield Guide to the Somme is, without doubt, one of the bestselling guide books to the battlefields of the Somme. This latest up-dated edition, includes four recommended, timed itineraries representing one day's travelling. Every stop on route has an accompanying descriptio[...]
This is the most complete guide to the First World War Battlefield of Ypres that has ever been published. Tonie and Valmai Holt, have condensed the knowledge gained from almost a quarter of a century of researching, writing about, visiting and conducting groups around Ypres into this remarkable book[...]
As the battlefields of Gallipoli become even more firmly established on the tourist map, this book is bound to be as popular as it is useful. The format of Major and Mrs Holt's battlefield guides is by now tried and tested, providing as they do not only the historical background to the campaign but[...]
Covering the important WW1 Battles of Ypres, including the notorious Passchendaele, this guidebook takes readers on a historic trip through some of the well-known and most important sites of the area. This book, part of a new series of guides, is designed conveniently in a small size, for those who [...]
The Somme is the epicentre for most people in the study of the First World War from a UK and Commonwealth perspective. Today the landscape and terrain are dedicated to the soldiers that fought and died there and Major and Mrs Holt's Pocket Guide to the Somme has been put together to take you around [...]
Republished to coincide with the new ITV film, My Boy Jack? starring Daniel Radcliffe, this is the full account of the tragic life of John 'Jack" Kipling. On 27th September 1915 John Kipling, the only son of Britain's best loved poet, disappeared during the Battle of Loos. The body lay undiscovered [...]
Already the best-selling English-language guide to the area, universally known as 'THE BIBLE', this is the sixth, completely revised, up-to-date, much expanded edition of the DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO THE D-DAY NORMANDY LANDING BEACHES.Written to the same highly acclaimed formula as all of the other books[...]
Offers a synthesis of ideas about teaching and learning that focuses on answering the question, 'How best should I teach science?' This book provides information on the appropriate science topics for key stage one and two, outlining the subject knowledge that a teacher needs, and the curriculum requ[...]
A road map, which shows all memorials, cemeteries, and museums in the Ypres Salient and Passchendaele. It also shows the battle lines of the first Ypres, the gas attack, second Ypres, Messines and Third Ypres. Detailed indexes allow location of memorials, cemeteries and museums etc[...]
A map that shows the locations of over 250 memorials, museums, and bunkers on and behind the British and American D Day Normandy Landing Beaches.[...]
Operation Market Garden was the name given to the US, UK and Polish airborne assault on the Arnhem, Nijmegen and Eindhoven bridges and the ill-fated 30 Corps advance to relieve the hard-pressed paras. While everyone knows that Arnhem was 'a bridge too far', few understand the true reasons for the ca[...]
Following in their best-selling series of Battlefield Guides this is a companion volume to the Holts' Western Front - South Guide. Between the two they cover the main WW1 Western Front battlefields. This book covers 15 of the most significant battles of the northern area from Nieuwport to just north[...]
MAJOR & MRS HOLT'S Concise, Illustrated BATTLEFIELD GUIDE TO THE WESTERN FRONT- SOUTH contains many fascinating but little-visited areas by travellers and is hoped that they will tempted further afield than the 'showcase' and sophisticatedly presented battlefields like the Somme to discover some ma[...]
Hans Krondahl är en av våra ledande svenska textilkonstnärer. Hans stora gobelänger och andra textila verk hänger på många stora museer. I samband med bokens utgivning i februari 2009 öppnar en stor retrospektiv utställning på Waldemarsudde i Stockholm.
Krondahl slog igenom pÃ[...]
Kläder berättar, rapporterar, skvallrar och avslöjar men kan också ställa frågor, viska, vara gåtfulla och gömma hemligheter. Inget annat språk är så vittomfamnande, så berest, så allmängiltigt och samtidigt så laddat med koder som dräktspråket inte bara personliga och privata utan[...]
Elva konstnärer slår i Konstnärens trädgård upp grindarna till sina sinsemellan väldigt olika trädgårdar. Den ena föredrar det vildvuxna, den andra det tuktade. Den ena det grågröna, den andra det kulört prunkande. Tonie Lewenhaupt beskriver och funderar över skilda växtval och gestalt[...]
Mediernas modebevakning kretsar kring formgivare, visningar och handlare. Ofta glöms klädmodets uppgift som katalysator, som framkallare och spridare av omvärldens skiftande synsätt, attityder och idéer. Men ingenting är så känsligt, så lyhört för ett samhälles skiftande värderingar som[...]
TrÃ¥darna spände mellan himmel och jord, lodrätt och vÃ¥grätt, för att mötas i väven. En gÃ¥ng tillhörde detta hantverk guden Zeus och ägde därmed magiska krafter. Jag började fundera, hur sÃ¥g de kläder ut, som kom direkt ur vävstolen? Manteln, schalen, doket, slöjan, förklädet men Ã[...]
Det är i slutet av 1940-talet som svenskt modefotografi börjar få ett eget uttryck, till en början med intryck från Amerika där Sten Didrik Bellander som förste svensk assisterade den då 24-årige Richard Avedon. Men det var hemma i Sverige som Bellander och hans samtida kollegor utvecklade [...]
Den stora porträttsamlingen på Krapperups borg omfattar avbildningar av ägare och deras familjer från 1500-taletoch framåt. Stränga renässansherrar hänger vid sidan aav romantiska 1700-talsdamer och den sista gyllenstiernska familjen på Krapperup i ljust måleri från sekelskiftet 1900.