Cardinal Waler Kasper is a distinguished theologian who has been a colleague of Cardinal Ratzinger, Karl Rahner and Hans Kung at the Universtities of Munster and Tubingen. Kasper now heads the Vatican's Ponitifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, with the specific task of fostering relations [...]
Kasper is a master synthesiser, and his display of erudition alone makes this book a worthy read and an invaluable resource for questions of God and Trinity. Using admittedly polemical language, he calls for a 'theological theology' which makes the explanation of the confession of the triune God its[...]
The Second Vatican Council in its Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis redintegratio) declared the restoration of unity among Christians to be one of its principal concerns. Division among the Churches scandalises the world, and damages that most holy cause, the preaching of The Gospel to every creature. T[...]
This Handbook offers practical suggestions for implementing and strengthening spiritual ecumenism, the heart of all efforts to re-unite divided Christians. It is grounded in the documents that have shaped the Catholic Churchs engagement in seeking Christian unity, those of the Second Vatican Council[...]
Von allen Veröffentlichungen Walter Kaspers hat sein Lehrbuch ?Jesus der Christus? die weitaus größte Resonanz gefunden. Die zahlreichen Auflagen und Ãœbersetzungen, sowie die breite Rezeption, die dieses Werk erfahren hat, machen es schon heute zu einem ?Klassiker? unter den theologischen LehrbÃ[...]
Walter Kardinal Kasper beschreibt den Weg eines erneuerten Kirchenverständnisses, nicht von außen historisch oder soziologisch, sondern von mehr als fünfzig Jahren Engagement für die Kirche. So entsteht ein facettenreicher Band über die Kirche Jesu Christi in einer ökumenischen Perspektive. Ka[...]
Dieses Buch stellt Walter Kasper als geistlichen Lehrer vor, der bei aller intellektuellen Klarheit den Ton von Herz zu Herz trifft und so seinen bischöflichen Leitspruch verwirklicht: ?Die Wahrheit in Liebe tun?. Peter Dyckhoff hat Texte aus Kaspers zehn Jahren als Bischof von Rottenburg-Stuttgart[...]
"This book has done me so much good." Pope Francis From one of the leading intellects in the church today one whom Pope Francis has described as a "superb theologian" comes perhaps his most important book yet. Available for the first time in English, Cardinal Kasper looks to capture the essence of t[...]
Cardinal Kasper, in an address to the consistory, published in English exclusively by Paulist Press, advocates a stronger appreciation of marriage and the family even on sensitive issues such as divorce and remarriage.[...]
Among recent theological works on Jesus Christ, this is the outstanding contribution. Kasper brilliantly synthesises biblical, philosophical and traditional material. There is a new introduction. Here at last is a reissue of Kasper's major work with a brilliant new twenty page introduction surveying[...]
Walter Kasper is already well-known and loved throughout the English-speaking world. He has held high office in the Vatican but until his recent retirement has felt constrained from publishing what he really thinks and his vision of the Church for the future. Kasper brings to conclusion a project th[...]