Detta är den 4:e upplagan av denna innehållsrika lilla skrift. Det finns få motsvarigheter till det djup och den klarhet som denna skrift ger om Andens mysterium. Den är dessutom ett utmärkt exempel på god ortodox teologi.[...]
"The Philokalia" is a collection of texts written between the fourth and the fifteenth centuries by spiritual masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition. First published in Greek in 1782, translated into Slavonic and later into Russian, "The Philokalia" has exercised an influence far greater than t[...]
"The Philokalia" is a collection of texts on prayer and the spiritual life, written between the fourth and fifteenth centuries by spiritual masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition. First published in Greek in 1782, translated into Slavonic and later into Russian, "The Philokalia" has had a decis[...]
"The Philokalia" is a collection of texts on prayer and the spiritual life, written between the fourth and fifteenth centuries by masters of the Orthodox Christian tradition. First published in Greek in 1782, translated into Slavonic and later into Russian, this is the first complete translation int[...]
This Festschrift celebrates the joyful heart and retirement from thirty-five years of university teaching of Bishop Kallistos Ware, a person who has found his monastic "desert" among the "dreaming spires" of academia, and his "cell" in the lecture room. The Festschrift contains articles by renowned [...]
In this inaugural volume of the Doxa & Praxis series, esteemed theologian Kallistos Ware examines the future questions and concerns that await Orthodox Christianity and especially its theological reflection. Long-renowned for the depth of his theological, historical, and ecclesial work, Metropolitan[...]
Spiritual guidance is the serious business of Mount Athos, the principal service that the Fathers offer to each other and to the world. Athonites have been purveyors of spiritual guidance for more than a thousand years in a tradition that goes back to the fourth-century desert fathers. The recent mo[...]
Sedan Timothy Wares bok publicerades första gången för trettio år sedan har den i hela världen betraktats som den främsta introduktionen till den ortodoxa kyrkan. Det är en detaljerad presentation, skriven för icke-ortodoxa såväl som ortodoxa kristna som vill veta mer om sin tradition.