William K. Poston - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: William K. Poston
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  1. Advancing the Three-Minute Walk-Through (Pocket)


    Carolyn J. Downey, Betty E. Steffy, William K. Poston

    ISBN: 9781412964579 - UTGIVEN: 2009-10

    'This book provides the most informed and transformative blueprint known for building the capacity of teacher coaches and supervisors. Districts across Texas are using the Downey "Walk-Through" to break through the barrier of the isolated classroom and provide a platform for improved dialogue about [...]

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    från 269.00 kr
  2. The Three-Minute Classroom Walk-Through (Pocket)


    Carolyn J. Downey, Fenwick W. English, Betty E. Steffy, Larry E. Frase, Poston, William K., Jr.

    ISBN: 9780761929673 - UTGIVEN: 2004-04-20

    Change to a supervision method that impacts student achievement by cultivating self-reliant teachers who are continuously improving their practice.[...]

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    från 317.00 kr