WOLFGANG STREECK is the director of the Max Planck Institute for Social Research in Cologne and professor of sociology at the University of Cologne. He has previously held positions in Frankfurt, New York, Munster, and Berlin, and he was professor of sociology and industrial relations at the Univers[...]
Wolfgang Streeck is a leading figure in comparative political economy and institutional theory. In this book he addresses some of the key arguments in these fields: the role of history in institutional analysis, the dynamics of slow institutional change, and the recurrent difficulties of restraining[...]
In a world of increasing austerity measures, democratic politics comes under pressure. With the need to consolidate budgets and to accommodate financial markets, the responsiveness of governments to voters declines. However, democracy depends on choice. Citizens must be able to influence the course [...]
In a world of increasing austerity measures, democratic politics comes under pressure. With the need to consolidate budgets and to accommodate financial markets, the responsiveness of governments to voters declines. However, democracy depends on choice. Citizens must be able to influence the course [...]
Den demokratiska kapitalismens finansiella och fiskala kris måste - menar den tyske sociologen Wolfgang Streeck - förstås som kulmen på en utveckling som inleddes runt 1970. Staterna har försökt köpa sig tid, genom 70-talets inflation, genom 80-talets statliga skuldsättning och från och med[...]
Europa upplever sin förmodligen allvarligaste kris sedan 1945. Den hotar såväl det europeiska integrationsprojektet som den europeiska och globala ekonomin, helt bortsett från den omfattande sociala ödeläggelse som krisen redan orsakat i länder i Europa. Vi upplever i dag en konflikt mellan n[...]
Sedan demokratins genombrott har det funnits en ständig spänning mellan medborgarnas krav pÃ¥ sociala rättigheter och marknadens krav pÃ¥ avkastning. 1800-talets partier trodde konflikten var olöslig: antingen fick marknaden stryka pÃ¥ foten eller demokratin. Men sedan andra världskriget har vÃ[...]