Vad driver människor att gå med i terroristgrupper? Vad kan vi göra för att undvika rasism och vilka är vinnarna och förlorarna i globaliseringen? Här kan du med tre böcker inspirera till intressanta diskussioner!
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Serien Sprickor i vÃ¥r tid behandlar tre problematiska Ã[...]
This book charts the transformation of the political landscape of northern Britain between the eighth and the eleventh centuries. Central to this narrative is the mysterious disappearance of the Picts and their language and the sudden rise to prominence of the Gaelic-speaking Scots who would replace[...]
We see what hospitals were like in the past. The old pictures reveal details of hospital buildings, furniture and uniforms. The equipment will also show what care was available for patients at the time and the continuing developments in medicine.[...]
Global Issues: Terrorism considers the definition of terrorism, its history from the French Revolution, its causes, and its human and economic impact. The various responses to terrorism, the new forms it may take in the future, for example relating to animal rights and environmental concerns, and th[...]
The Holocaust remains one of the most shocking events of the 20th century, one that still resonates strongly today. Its Nazi perpetrators showed no mercy, not even to children, so it is often the experiences of the children of this era that speak to us most powerfully. "Children of the Holocaust" ex[...]
Can you imagine what our lives would be like after a devastating asteroid strike? What effect would the resulting tsunami, storms, and dust cloud have? This book traces the possible consequences of a global event on this scale, with ideas and evidence based on similar scenarios that are a part of fa[...]
Can you imagine what people's lives would be like after a nuclear disaster? How frightened would people be, and how would they respond to the unseen dangers? This book traces the possible consequences of a global event on this scale, with ideas and evidence based on similar scenarios that are a part[...]
This book helps children to develop critical thinking and debating skills. It examines the topic of the internet and social media in a lively and accessible way. Information is presented to help readers deliberate, debate, and decide for themselves. This book looks at issues surrounding the use of t[...]
This book helps children to develop critical thinking and debating skills. It examines the topic of the internet and social media in a lively and accessible way. Information is presented to help readers deliberate, debate, and decide for themselves. This book looks at issues surrounding the use of t[...]
The Story of Mankind From Prehistory to the Modern Day. A clearly written, entertaining and accessible history that will appeal to a wide audience, in a successful and user-friendly format that allows for both in-depth reading and quick reference. Each double-page spread covers a different topic, m[...]
In full color with striking and informative illustrations and photographs, this is a beautiful and eye-catching book which will stand out on the shelf. Includes familiar names like Galileo Galielei and Albert Einstein, as well as lesser-known scientists such as Dmitri Mendeleyev and Linus Pauling.[...]
Imagine a world without fire. There would be no cooked food, no artificial light and no way of keeping warm in a cool climate. Fire can be dangerous, but over thousands of years we have learned to tame it. We use it to make pottery, glass and metals. It enabled us to invent the steam engine, the int[...]
Oavsett om den drivs av politiska idéer, nationalism eller religiös fanatism är dagens terrorism mer utstuderad, mer hänsynslös och mer dödlig än någonsin tidigare.[...]
På ett lätt och övergripligt sätt tar den här boken med dig på en resa genom historien. Upptäck allt det du borde lärt dig redan i skolbänken.
Denna bläddervänliga bok ger dig en kronologisk överblick över världens historia och presenterar alla Vem?, Vad?, När?, Var? och V[...]
Glöm tråkiga föreläsningar och dammiga professorer, den här boken presenterar historiens största filosofer och deras stora idéer på ett fascinerande och hanterbart sätt.
På ett lättöverskådligt och enkelt sätt guidar den här boken dig genom filosofins värld. Upptäck och t[...]