Follows Bigger Thomas, a young black man who is trapped in a life of poverty in the slums of Chicago. Unwittingly involved in a wealthy woman's death, he is hunted relentlessly, baited by prejudiced officials, charged with murder and driven to acknowledge a strange pride in his crime.[...]
At the 2010 Wheaton Theology Conference, leading New Testament scholar N. T. Wright and nine other prominent biblical scholars and theologians gathered to consider Wright's prolific body of work. Compiled from their presentations, this volume includes Tom Wright's two main addresses, one on the stat[...]
Leadership. What does it mean? How do I do it? Who is a leader and who is not? Relational Leadership will stimulate your thinking about leadership and management, causing you to both ask questions and find answers. Ultimately, this will enable you to invest yourself in people for the sake of the kin[...]
A moving novel of World War II follows the adventures of two Canadian sisters who struggle against social convention--one in a small town in Ontario, the other in New York City. Reader's Guide available. Reprint. 25,000 first printing.[...]
Right from the start, Bigger Thomas had been headed for jail. It could have been for assault or petty larceny; by chance, it was for murder and rape. Native Son tells the story of this young black man caught in a downward spiral after he kills a young white woman in a brief moment of panic. Set in C[...]
Richard Wright's devastating autobiography of his childhood and youth in the Jim Crow SouthHis training by his elders was strict and harsh to prepare him for the "white world" which would be cruel. Their resentment of those trying to escape the common misery made his future seem hopeless. It was nec[...]
Richard Wright grew up in the woods of Mississippi amid poverty, hunger, fear, and hatred. He lied, stole, and raged at those around him; at six he was a "drunkard," hanging about in taverns. Surly, brutal, cold, suspicious, and self-pitying, he was surrounded on one side by whites who were either i[...]
Richard Wright grew up in the woods of Mississippi, with poverty, hunger, fear, and hatred. He lied, stole, and raged at those around him; at six he was a "drunkard," hanging about taverns. Surly, brutal, cold, suspicious, and self-pitying, he was surrounded on one side by whites who were either ind[...]
Here, in these powerful stories, Richard Wright takes readers into this landscape once again. Each of the eight stories in Eight Men focuses on a black man at violent odds with a white world, reflecting Wright's views about racism in our society and his fascination with what he called "the struggle [...]
Right from the start, Bigger Thomas had been headed for jail. It could have been for assault or petty larceny; by chance, it was for murder and rape. Native Son tells the story of this young black man caught in a downward spiral after he kills a young white woman in a brief moment of panic. Set in C[...]
At four years of age, Richard Wright set fire to his home; at five his father deserted the family; by six Richard was - temporarily - an alcoholic. Moved from home to home, from brick tenement to orphanage, he had had, by the age of twelve, only one year's formal education. It was in saloons, railro[...]
TCP/IP Illustrated, an ongoing series covering the many facets of TCP/IP, brings a highly-effective visual approach to learning about this networking protocol suite. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2 contains a thorough explanation of how TCP/IP protocols are implemented. There isn't a more practical or [...]
OpenGL(R) SuperBible, Fifth Edition is the definitive programmer,s guide, tutorial, and reference for the world,s leading 3D API for real-time computer graphics, OpenGL 3.3. The best all-around introduction to OpenGL for developers at all levels of experience, it clearly explains both the API and es[...]
For introductory courses in Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, and Environmental Biology. With dramatically revised illustrations, the Twelfth Edition of Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future is even more student-friendly while retaining the currency and accuracy that has mad[...]
OpenGL(r) SuperBible, Sixth Edition, is the definitive programmer's guide, tutorial, and reference for the world's leading 3D API for real-time computer graphics, OpenGL 4.3. The best all-around introduction to OpenGL for developers at all levels of experience, it clearly explains both the newest AP[...]
Richard Wright's "Native Son" (1940) presents an account of crime and racism which remain the source of profound disagreement both within African-American culture and throughout the world. Part of the "Routledge Guides to Literature" series, this book acts as a guide to this novel and provides a ran[...]
Exiled in Paris provides a compelling look at the personalities who fueled the literary and philosophical dramas of postwar Paris: James Baldwin, Alexander Trocchi, Boris Vian, Maurice Girodias, and many others. James Campbell provides a fresh look at Samuel Beckett's early career; reveals the facts[...]
Paul Green and Richard Wright
Adapted from the classic novel by Richard Wright DramaCharacters: 15 male, 14 female (w/doubling)Multiple SetsThe story of Bigger Thomas, a black youth seeking his identity in the white world. This adpatation was originally produced by Orson Welles and John Houseman.[...]
The bureaucracy in the United States has a hand in almost all aspects of our lives, from the water we drink to the parts in our cars. For a force so influential and pervasive, however, this body of all nonelective government officials remains an enigmatic, impersonal entity. The literature of bureau[...]
This mongraph covers Wright's major work to date. Working predominantly with paint and gold leaf directly on walls, his paintings are often short-lived, only surviving the length of an exhibition as they are painted over at the end of the show.[...]
The art of divining, or dowsing, has for years been cloaked in mystery and superstition. Recognized by some as a means of finding water and minerals, it is actually a method for anyone to develop intuitive skills. This thought-provoking book demystifies dowsing and presents this ancient science as a[...]