Xian - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Xian
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  1. Wicked Lovely Challenge (Häftad)


    Melissa Marr, Xian Nu Studio

    ISBN: 9780061493492 - UTGIVEN: 2010-04

    The stakes are rising, and Rika finds it harder to ignore Faerie politics. As a former mortal and now a solitary faery, she has relished the isolation and freedom of the desert. But new players are seeking power, and old allies are imperiled. As tensions mount, Rika must decide whether--and how--to [...]

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    från 126.00 kr
  2. Wicked Lovely: Desert Tales, Volume 1: Sanctuary (Häftad)


    Melissa Marr, Xian Nu Studio

    ISBN: 9780061493546 - UTGIVEN: 200905

    Discover Melissa Marr's mesmerizing world of Faerie . . . The desert is far away from the schemes of the Faerie Courts--and that's how Rika likes it. Once a mortal and now a faery, Rika seeks isolation and revels in her ability to appear invisible to humans. Then, she meets him. Artistic and kind, J[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  3. Vampire Kisses: Graveyard Games (Häftad)


    Ellen Schreiber, Nu Studio Xian, Ellen Schreiber

    ISBN: 9780062026729 - UTGIVEN: 201109

    Things might finally be back to normal for Raven and Alexander--as normal as they can be for a goth teen in a small town andher dreamy vampire boyfriend. But the secretive couple soondiscovers that Alexander's now full-blooded vampire cousinClaude and his friends are still lingering in Dullsville. A[...]

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    från 112.00 kr
  4. Survival Analysis (Häftad)


    Liu, Xian

    ISBN: 9780470977156 - UTGIVEN: 2012-08-31

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    från 728.00 kr
  5. The Cambrian Fossils of Chengjiang, China: The Flowering of Early Animal Life (Häftad)


    Xian-Guang Hou, Richard Aldridge, Jan Bergstrom

    ISBN: 9781405167192 - UTGIVEN: 200708

    The Chengjiang biota is one of the most remarkable fossil discoveries ever made. The Cambrian Fossils of Chengjiang is the first book in English to provide fossil enthusiasts with an overview of the fauna. *100 superb full color plates. * First English language illustrated guide to this important f[...]

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    från 477.00 kr
  6. A Laboratory Course in Biomaterials (Pocket)


    Wujing Xian

    ISBN: 9781420075823 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05-15

    Offers a teaching tool for instructors in biomaterials and bioengineering. This book trains students in laboratory skills, data analysis, problem solving, and scientific writing and integrates a variety of principles that include materials science, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology[...]

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    från 647.00 kr
  7. Theory and Applications of Higher-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices (Inbunden)


    Yi Xian Yang, Xin Xin Niu, Cheng Qing Xu

    ISBN: 9781439818077 - UTGIVEN: 2009-08-31

    Of interest to mathematicians as well as engineers and technicians in computer science and telecommunications, this book deals with the theory of Hadamard matrices and its applications to various fields, in particular, coding theory, cryptography, and telecommunications. The first two parts of the b[...]

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    från 819.00 kr
  8. #08 a Match Made in Heaven (Häftad)


    Trina Robbins, Nu Studio Xian

    ISBN: 9781467707329 - UTGIVEN: 2013-04

    Aspiring comic book artist Morning Glory Conroy already has too much to juggle at her San Francisco high school--mean girls, inconsiderate cliques, wannabe gangbangers--without the complication of falling for new student Gabriel. Glory's best friend, Julia, was interested in him first, and if it wer[...]

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    från 99.00 kr
  9. Frommer's Easyguide to Beijing, Xian and Shanghai

    ISBN: 9781628871708 - UTGIVEN: 2015-11

    Known for years as the sleeping giant of tourism, China has now awakened with a roar, attracting 120 million inbound tourists each year (including two and a half million Americans), and accounting for increasing sales of guidebooks to its three major attractions: Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Our au[...]

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    från 129.00 kr
  10. Xian, Shaanxi and The Terracotta Army (Pocket)


    Paul Mooney

    ISBN: 9789622178007 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05

    Situated in north central China, Xi'an is among the great historic centres of the world - it is China's Luxor. Here the early tapestry of Chinese civilization was woven - the rise of the Zhou kingdom which introduced the 'Mandate of Heaven', the Warring State of Qin which defeated and unified the co[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 184.00 kr