This title offfers monographs on the most important Spanish, African and Latin American photographers. "The PhotoBolsillo" series is dedicated to publishing monographs on the most notable Spanish, African, and Latin American photographers of the recent past. Each small-format paperback features full[...]
A definitive guide to patternmaking, this accessible book explains the techniques in clear, simple steps, providing the essential know-how for anyone making their first foray into clothes making and fashion design. Using four basic garments (skirts, dresses, jackets and coats), this volume explores [...]
La hija del mar es una reflexion sobre el temperamento femenino. Se trata de un relato reivindicativo en el que dos mujeres defienden su honra en medio del acoso masculino con premoniciones feministas.[...]
Divided into two parts, this book covers grammatical points and focuses on vocabulary. It contains numerous illustrations, which help students to learn more easily and fast. Each unit introduces and practises the most useful and basic vocabulary of each level. It also includes at the back a regular [...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it contains a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it contains a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it consists of a student book, an exercises book, and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it contains a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it contains a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it contains a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it contains a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it consists of a student book, an exercises book, and a tutor's manual.[...]
A Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. Suitable for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students, it consists of a student book, an exercises book, and a tutor's manual.[...]
Enspråkig kurslitteratur.
De acuerdo är allt i ett-böcker för Spanska 3 och 4, inklusive cd-rom för extra tempusträning på regelbundna och oregelbundna verb.
De acuerdo del 1 (Spanska 3)
Del 1 börjar med ett mycket enkelt repetitionsavsnitt, Te acuerdas?, där bl.a. dagar, månader, klockan och r[...]
De acuerdo är allt i ett-böcker för Spanska 3 och 4, inklusive cd-rom för extra tempusträning på regelbundna och oregelbundna verb.
De acuerdo del 2 (Spanska 4)
I del 2 sätts verbläran och ett utökat ordförråd i centrum. Spanska 4-materialet inleds med enkla texter s[...]