Many photographers have tried to capture the elusive and enigmatic figure of Fidel Castro--the man behind the beard. This book presents a unique and intimate perspective of the Cuban leader through the camera lens of his son, Alex Castro, revealing the gaze of a photographer as well as that of a son[...]
What happens when an old dog sitting at the dinner table with his master slides a whole leg of lamb, a big bowl of posole, a stack of tortillas and a bottle of wine to a coyote, who just happens to be under the table? A whole ruckus, that's what But that's nothing compared with some of the other[...]
Tras la larga convalecencia sufrida en 2006, Fidel Castro reviso y amplio el exhaustivo trabajo de investigacion y entrevistas que Ignacio Ramonet habia publicado ese mismo ano. Sin duda, el presente libro responde a preguntas imprescindibles para entender la historia reciente de Cuba y completa de [...]
Para este libro, Neo Club Ediciones compilo buena parte de las reacciones mas reveladoras en torno al fallecimiento de Fidel Castro (articulos, ensayos, humor grafico, comentarios varios, etc.). Un documento clave para entender la verdadera naturaleza de las relaciones entre el exdictador y el puebl[...]
Increasing concern with fuel consumption leads to widespread interest in lightweight structures for transportation vehicles. Several competing technologies are available for the structural connections of these structures, namely welding, mechanical fastening / riveting, and adhesive technologies. Ar[...]
English summary: Paradise of the "Beautiful Savages": For the European traveller at around 1900, the South Seas were connected with the desire for alien beauty and the fascination of the nativeness of the people. The paintings of Emil Nolde and Max Pechstein, e. G., attest to this view. In this volu[...]
Profecias ancestrales? Conocimientos iniciaticos? Hallazgos recientes? Designios Cosmicos o sencillamente un proyecto individual y colectivo para un nuevo mundo? Que relacion puede haber entre la antigua historia del continente americano, un programa estelar y la activacion de circuitos en el ser-en[...]
Sociologo, teorico de la cultura, periodista y una de las voces mas representativas del movimiento altermundista, Ignacio Ramonet ha logrado desvelar -tras semanas de intensas conversaciones- las claves de la Revolucion cubana a traves de la biografia humana y politica del ultimo «monstruo sagrado [...]
Un testimonio excepcional que pone en duda todo lo que se creia saber hasta ahora sobre la vida publica y privada de Fidel Castro. Que se sabe en realidad de Fidel Castro? Como vive? Es de verdad el hombre austero y fiel a los ideales de la revolucion comunista que afirma ser? La respuesta, segun Ju[...]
From nervousnes and anxiety to the effects of caffeine, allergies and long hours in the workplace, we are bombarded with emotional and physical stress every day. This book presents the ways to self-treat its symptoms and to handle it properly.[...]