This book applies ideas from chaos and complexity theory to core issues in organisation studies. It develops a new critique of dominant ideologies in management today, such as managerialism and neo-liberalism. It complements theoretical critique with stories and voices from the front line of organis[...]
Dagens profesjonsutøvere trenger både dannelse og utdannelse. Men hvordan kan vi bedre reflektere rundt faglig arbeid innenfor sosialt arbeid og pedagogisk virksomhet? Hvordan kan teori og metode best kombineres med erfaringsbasert kunnskap og praktisk visdom? Kunnskapsverkstedet er en pedagogisk [...]
This lively, accessible book applies ideas from chaos and complexity theory to core issues in organisation studies. It develops a new critique of Managerialism and its global god-father, Neo-Liberalism. It argues that Managerialism is not only unjust. Linearity, rigidity and will to control produce [...]